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books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... rice-pounder. A man, or sometimes a woman, steps on the end of a long beam, at the other end of which a stout piece of wood is fised at right angles. The weight of the man raises the beam, and when ho steps on it falls to the scoop ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER now in use, who has been for more than thirty years engaged in tho construction, erection and management of Rice Macliiuery. we are now prepared, under his supervision, to construct all kinds of Machinery required in the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER now in use, who lias been for more than thirty years ciigagci in the construction, erection and management of Itic Machinery, wo arc now prepared, under hi* supervision to construct all kinds of Machinery required iu tho ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER now- ill use, who has been for more than thirty years enpn;:.Mj in the e construction, erection aud management of R.i-a Machmery, mery, we an- now prepared, under hia supervision, to construct nstruct all kinds of Machinery ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER now in use, who has been for more than thirty years engaged iu the construction, erection and management of Rice Mnuhmery. \ve arc now prepared, nnder his supervision, to construct all kmtl$ of Machinery required in tlie ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER, nosr in use. who has been for mate thsa thirty jeara engaged m tie construction. erection and management o »re now prepared, under his supervision, taconsttuct all kinds of Machinery required iu the preparation of RICE for ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER, now la u«e, who has b«-eu fo' more thaa thirty yeara engsjfd in the conatructloa. •rectloa audinno«s«nient of B1CEMACHINERY, we are BOW prepared, under his lupervialoa.toconsUuot all kinds k of Machinery required In the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER, now In use, who has been fo* more than thirty years engaged in the construction, erection and management of RICE MACHINERY, we are now prepared, under his supervision, to construct aD klnda of Michlnery required in the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER, now In me, wbo has been frjT more than thirty years ensaged In. tee conitraction. erection and management of RICE MACHIHEKy, we ue now prepared, nuder hi* lupervliion, to construct all cindi of Machinery nfribed ia tbe ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Rice pounder"
... RICE POUNDER, now In n.e, who has been for more than thirty years engaged In the construction erection and management ol RICE MACHINERY, w« are now prepared, under bis supervi.ion, to con.truct all kinds of Machinery required in tbo ...