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books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived fuel can effectively be burned in boilers of the type used by PSNH. "If we can find an efficient, economically sound and environmental-. ly acceptable way to burn refuse-derived fuel at one or more of our generating ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse derived fuel. A mass burn incinerator simply takes the refuse as it comes from a truck and puts it into the incinerator. The refuse-derived fuel system processes the refuse into fuel pellets before using it in the incinerator. The ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived Fuel was produced and burned in the modernized boilers at the Madison Gas and Electric Co It Jnarked the first time in the U S. that electricity yvas commercially produced from fuel derived from municipal garbage ;» Later ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse derived fuel Because i : derived luet. sulfur content, it attractive. As a secondary consideration in this process, the salvage of iron-based metals s will also be accomplished. The objective of the preliminary system design will ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived fuel from Lane County's resource plant Is a "prime candidate" as an alternate fuel source for the university's boilers as wood wastes become Increasingly scarce In the future. The other alternative fuel, oil, would cost ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived fuel alternative. Instead, the committee agreed to obtain answers to any questions council may have about the plan in order for council to make a decision by an April 1 deadline. Most of Thursday's questions that were ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse derived fuel technology because all refuse derived fuel systems built in the United States have failed to demonstrate long-term reliability.and of the systems constructed in this country to date at least ten have been shut down ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived fuel (RDF) by industrial energy users," it asserted. "Many industrial plants which currently burn conventional fuels may have the potential to burn local refuse as a supplementary or primary fuel,' ' RFD not only offers a ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... refuse-derived fuel, which has had the glass,, metals and plastics removed. What remains is shredded and burned. Since harmful emissions, such as dioxin, a suspected cancer-causing agent, are formed partially from chemicals such as ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Refuse-derived fuel"
... Refuse Derived Fuel: pellets. city to run out of landfill sites within or near its boundaries. Not surprisingly, therefore, the GLC, with an annual domestic rubbish intake of 3,250,000 tonnes, has done most of the running on municipal ...