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books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... science and mechanisms, that the actual construction of a deep-sea cable has ... permeability many time>. that of any other known substance- in some of its ... material was christened "permalloy" because of its magnetic ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... permeability of capillary endothel- ium." I said I'd try to explain No. 5 in ... material is not. A chemist informed me that a chamois, sheep or goat skin ... science, that the arterial blood, having passed through the ultimate ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
Students to enter science fair. The physics of the Great Pyramid and what do ... material and Brendan Devine tested the porosity and permeability of various ... physics principles involved. The science fair, which will be held in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... permeability, but if the producers of burnt clay would bend thpir energies ... materials, and with proper selection of raw materials and scientific ... science into their products. The life of a building depends wholly upon Its ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... science degree in chemistry. He took master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees from the University of ... permeability and applying the new knowledge towards more useful materials. These materials are used for various ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... materials used in landfill construction projects for strength, permeability ... science." One of Boschuk's current research projects involves a liner with a ... materials at once would decrease the risk of puncturing the liner. His ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... research, the Stale Board of. Recent* announced. Of the total. $21.438 will go ... permeability of plastic-like materials by some. a^ps and vapors. The ... science teacher at Platte- ville High School, were awarded scholarships to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... permeability in the newly-developed material is greatly reduced. Thus, abrasion and erosion resistance is much greater Gordon works in one of the labs in the Radiation division of the department of applied science, Brookhaven National ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
Science Fair winners announced. Here are the winners at this week's Douglas County Science ... permeability," Wakarusa, best project in earth sciences; Group class at ... materials will decompose In a landfill?" Marlon Springs ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Permeability" materials science
... permeability are other factors covered In the soil survey. To make It, soil ... Science Department of North Carolina State University were Involved In the ... materials specialist worked on the survey. "Besides providing useful ...