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books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston, publi- ca uma das melhores re- vistas sobre cinema da Inglaterra: Sight and Sound. 0 livro estuda os fa- tores economicos que amoldaram a produgao de cinema. O fato de que a televisao absorveu imensas plateias, que ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston wrote, "one got a conviction that if the cinema could do that, it could do anything." credits included the classic. Business ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,, 6-8B. Classified .,..,,,,..,,, 4-tOC Comica ,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,. 40 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
PENELOPE HOUSTON at. Graffiti Monday, May 27, at 8:30 p.m. 682-4210. TORI AMOS at Benedum Center Thursday, May 30, at 7:30 p.m. Sold out.
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
• The Avengers; "The than early Chrissie Hynde, Penelope Houston fronted this S.F.-bosed band that exuberantly demanded its place in the world, • Undertones: "The Undertones" — > A Beach Roys-like buoyancy permeates these pop/punk ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston, who has jeen confined to her room the past four weeks, suffering from a bullet vound in her head when she was ac- •Identnlly shot, has so far recovered bat she was able to return to school oday. The following were ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston who lias been visiting relatives at IPtlsbtirpr for several weeks returned homo today. Stewart U. KImtnel of Youngstav/n called on former friends hero Saturday. Miss Ilattle Nelson has returned to tho homo of lior ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston was less than impressed, summing it up as, "Quantity has been achieved at the expense of quality." The Lest Detail (1973) at 10.25 pm OB ABC TV: Two case-hardened naval shore patrolmen, Buddasky and Mulhali, are ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston, an artist with a lengthy history in punk rock circles, released an album this spring with a striking cover: She's holding a gleaming knife and smiling wickedly. And the singer Zoe opens the title cut of her new album ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston wrote, "one got a conviction that if the cinema could do that, it could do anything." Other credits included the classic "Othello," "The Magnificent Ambersons," "The Third Man," "A Touch of Evil," "The Lady from ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Penelope Houston"
... Penelope Houston, Kent State Normal School, residence Lowollvlllc, O., two years' experience. Mis* Cathorln Baker, West Liberty State Normal, residence Wheeling, W. Va., four years' experience. Miss Anna S. Zeller, Kent Slato Normal ...