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books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli-607 807 on payment of cost of tender documents by casWcrossec demand draft drawn in favour of and payable to Neyveli Ligni Corporation Ltd., Neyveli. No other mode of payment will be accepted SI. No.1: Tender H«f. : TIM ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited. Neyveli- 607 801 . Tamil Natu on payment ol Rs.250/- (Rupees iwo hundred and fifty only] either by cash al ihe cash counter. Corporate Office, Neyveli or by crossed demand dralt Irom any Nationalised ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Llgnile Corporation Ltd., Neyveli 607 801 . by Cash at the Cash Counter. Corporate Olfice, Neyveli 607 801 or by Crossed Demand Draft from any Bank (other than Bank of Baroda) payable at Neyveli In favour ol Neyveli Lignite ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited. Neyvei - 607 801 on payment either by cash at ihe cash counter. Corporate Office. Neyvei or by crossed demand draft torn any NafonaSsed/Sched'jIed Bank, payable at Neyveli in favour of NeyvsB Ugrfte ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited. Neyveli-607 801. Tamil Nadu on payment of Rs 500/- either by cash at the cash counter. Corporate Office. Neyveli or by crossed demand draft from any nationalised/scheduled bank, payable a! Neyveli in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli 607 807. Tamil Nadu. India, on payment (non-rein ndable) eilher by Cash al the Cash counter. Materials Management Complex. Neyveli Lignile Corporation Ltd . Neyveli 607 807 or crossed Demon:* Draft drawn on any ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli - 607 807 liH 72.00 noon on the dates ol opening for the loliowing supplies. Tender schedules and detailed specifications can be had from htm. Seated tenders, in double sealed covers, superscribing ender reference in Ifipiicate ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd., NeyveWO? 801. Tamil Nadu on payment either by cash at the cash counter. Corporate Office. Neyveli or by crossed demand draft drawn on any nationejiseoVscheduled bank and payable at Neyveli in favour of ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli. No cihef mode o' payment will be accepted. SL NOLI Tender Ref: S-04 Desertion of work: Transportation of over dimensional steel materials from Madras to Neyveli by trailers during 1992-93. Cost oi lender documents : Rs.ZSO ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Neyveli"
... Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd.. Neyveli-607 801 by o sh. Money Order or Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Assistant Accounts Manager/Cash, NLC Ltd., giving reference of the Tender No and name of work. Tender documents will be ...