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books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke marked the first time the U.N. African troops resort.d to gunfire. Moerbeke is a hamlet about 85 miles southwest of Leopoldville. It lies between Thysvi|le, the garrison town wheie Congolese soldiers mutinied shortly after ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke is a hamlet about 85 miles southwest of Leopold- iville. It lies between Thysville. the garrison town where Congo- lese troops mutinied shortly aft- er Belgium freed the Congo June 30, and the frontier of Portuguese The UN ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke near the army base of Thys vllle in Leopoldville province Friday. Diplomats feared the UN Command could no longer re store order In the chaotic new Republic unless Lumumba's forces were somehow disarm ed. This was seen as ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke near the army base of Thysville hi Leopoldvilla Province One civilian wag killed. Diplomats feared the UN com-"' mand could no longer restore order In the chaotic republic unless Lumumba's soldiers a r * somehow disarmed ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke, near the army base of Thysville in Leopoldville province, U.N. Moroccan troops opened fire on a belligerent group of armed civilians. First reports said one civilian was killed. In Leopoldville Premier Patrice Lumumba ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke, etc. Dans toutes les localitei ou ili ont fcit ces rafles, torue les "rachats d'esclaveg" ; il n'y. I a a pas moyen moyen dc dc trouver trouver un autre ter- me pour designer 1'autorUation qu'ilg | ont donnee a certains hommes ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke, al sur de Thysville, en el area de Leopoldville. A medida que peoraba, el premier congoles. Patrice Lumumba, anuncio que habia hzcho arrestar a Jean Bolikango, candidate que habia fracasado en sus esfuerzos por ser electo ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke, near the ar base of Thysville in Letpoldv province, U.N. Moroccan trc* opened fire on a belligerent gn ;> of armed civilians. First rep( said one civilian was killed. In Leopoldville Premier Pati Lumumba proceeded vigoroi to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke. near the army base of Thysville in Leopoldville U.N. Moroccan troops opened fire on a belligerent group; of armed civilians. First reports said ---> one civilian •'•-- ••-- was killed. '•;"-»' Classical Infiltration In ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Moerbeke"
... Moerbeke, that napalm bombs hav« in Congo, said today: "They have brought the first full account of the horror, which has left thousands of square miles of their country empty of all human life except the old and the sick. "They told of ...