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books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language districts near the Yugoslav border to teach all subjects in both German and Slovene. As a result, parents have complained that their children learned neither perfect German nor perfect Slovene, and were behind other ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language secondary schools, with one wing French- speaking and the rest of the school English-speaking "have the effect of gradually transferring the French-speaking student from studying French to studying English." The province ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language, and is both difficult to acquire and speak. It is made up of a variety of languages, including Chinese, Japanese: Portuguese, Spanish and the native Indian dialects. This country has been overrun with the natives of many ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... Mixed language program ard announcers; 4. A course in French as a second language with actual registration and a commitment; 5. A TV bulletin for schools; li. Competition for scenario. writing to bs dore in French by senior pupils;. 7 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language called called Latin, Latin-iu other words, a union of the Italian and the tongue of the con- nuorora. Now two languages alone are characterised by an absence of articles— the Latin and the Russian. Whether they have any ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language families. I have neither the lime facilities to give precise ures for Alma and Chicoutimi, but I am personally acquaint-. ed with Canadians who are anglophone in both districts. Perhaps M r . Pelletier should appoint an ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language (e.g. Gullah) that develops when speakers of mutually unintelligible languages remain in. persistent, long-lasting, and thorough contact with each other." Creole in America draws from English, French, and Spanish. What ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language of three-fourths Italian and one-fourth execrable English. He got out the words "How much?" to which Monty replied, "Immediately." The clerk made a pencil mark on the card, and Monty, taking it from him. wrote Grand Hotel ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
Our Mixed Language. Whon tlio Norniana cunqiu'rod Ens land and dlsponapHsed tho Anglo Snx ons of their Innds thoy tipoko what u known as Normnn-Kronch. Thin continued to bo lho om^'il lnngntur« tor many years ... Ono of tlio n»*l ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Mixed language"
... mixed language to sprincr Doug •was just ' drawing in his twentieth breath when the Redskin raised his hand. "Stop, my friend," yelled the Hopi, "what .on earth are you driving at?" • It is scarcely necessary to describe the expression ...