... Drama) Mariel Hemingway. Scott Glenn A young Olympian discovers the joy and pam of competition. 'R' (2:04) MAX Frl. 3:50 am 9257 1271 "Pit Sematary" ** (1989. Horror) Dale Midkiff, Fred Gwynne. An ancient burial ground holds a ...
TV PLUS THE SUNDAY GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT 37. assorted villains. am. 37382269. "Escape From LA."** (19%, Adventure) Kurt Russell. Snake Pllsskcn faces foes In the ruins of 2013 ... MAX Thu. 4 p.m. 4868893 "The Execution of Wanda Jean"*** (2002, ...
... MAX] Thu. 5p.m. Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster ** (1991, Mystery) Raymond Burr, PaulAnka. Mason defends a mobster accused of murdering his wife. (2:00) (kCRA) Sat. 1:30 ajn. Personal Best * * •* (1 982, Drama) Mariel ...
... TV., -hour sesswn Jiaving lieeu 2,074 sharer of stock a&d tf K) bondls ... Steel Co 2013' do prrf . _ Pass Ry & T Co Bonds- i B K & A. Traction 109 ... Max Rosenbaum. Louis Moeser, A TV'. Tennant and W H Lwmg. The company v/111 ...
... Steel 4s '65.. 108% New Eng TftT5s'52 125% do 4%8 '61 B ... 125% N O Pu Sv Ss '52A do 5s '55 B N Orl Term 4s '53. 68 tNOTexftMex 5s'56C 35 tdo 4%s '56 NYC rfg 5s 2013 ... Max. Th» First National Bank of 7788— Adler, 4450— Allman, "Tiille." ir ...