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books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet, Canada. 220. 17. Sabnna Lelrancois and Nicolas Os- seland. France. 255. 18. Inga Rodionova and Aleksandr Anichenko. Azerbaiian. 27.5. 19. Mariya Krasiitseva and Aleksander Chestnikh. Armenia, 28.0. 20. Mane Arai and Shin ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet, tous deux Ticdaillos d'or en patmage artisti- quc dans la catcgorie "Ecusson" no comptant pas pour Ic classcmcnt dcs Jeux du Quebec. Du Club Lcs Carousscls dc Clermont, Roger Du- bois s'cst mcritc une mcdaillc dc bronze on ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet, both caught the flu and ended in 16th place. SAYING THANKS: When the German women swept the medals in the combined event at Alpine skiing, gold medalist Katja Seizmger and silver medalist Martina Ertl lumped from the victory ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet (Pre-Juvenile B), Eric Savard (Juvenile C) et au couple Marie-Claude Boivin - Eric Savard dans la categoric Dan- ses Juveniles. Charlevoix y etait re- presentee par une dou- zaine de patineurs de Baie St-Paul et sept au- fres ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet. Canada. 6.0. 13. Evgenia Fllonenko and Igor Marchenco, Ukraine. 65. 14. Kalorina Berankova and Otto Dlabola, Czech Republic. 1 0. 15. Danielle McGralh and Stephen Can-, Australia, 7 5. 16. Manna Khaltunna and Andrei Kroukov ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet Canada. 6.0 13 Katenna Berankova and Otto Dlabola. Czech Republic. 6.5 14 Danielle McGrath and Stephen Can- Australia. 70. 15 Marsha Poluliaschenko and Andrew Seabrook. Sntain. 75. 16. Elaine Asakani and Alcuin Schulten ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet. France. 13 5 10 Sophie Guesttault and Francois Guestouit, France, 14.0 Ice Dance Final Standings 1. Marina Anlsslna and Gwedal Pel- zerat. France, 2.0 factored placlngs. 2 Elizabeth Punsalan and Jerod Swallow, united States ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet bolh caught the flu, said Janet Ames, chief medical officer for the Canadian team. Savard-Gagnon couldn't finish her routine, and the 1997 Canadian champions ended up in 16th place in the competition Tuesday. No U.S. athletes ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet, Canada, 22.0. 17, SabrlnaLefrancols and Nicolas Osseland, France, 25.5. 18, Inga Rodlonova and Aleksandr Anlchenko, Azerballan, 27.5. 19, Marlya Krasiltseva and Aleksander Chestnlkh, Armenia, 28.0. 20, Marie Aral and Shin ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Luc Bradet"
... Luc Bradet. Canada, 6.0. 13. Kalerina Berankova and Otto Dlabola. Czech Republic. 6.5. 14. Danielle McGrath and Stephen Carr. Australia, 7.0. 15. Marsha Polullaschenko and Andrew Seabrook. Britain. 7.5. 16. Elaine Asakanl and Alcuin ...