Census areas. Two areas of Scotland will figure IB a- test of cewu* procedures to be, heW*J» AprU by ti» J> General ... list of topics than was used in the 197JL census. " *\ ,; * One form would be of conventional desiga, with quesr ...
... areas in Scotland are located in Glasgow. That's why the list is fairly lengthy. Development. Department, were not prepared to accept the whole of the city but we thought that the places on the list were worthy of consideration and they ...
... Census Returns, for the whole of Scotland,' which we published yesterday ... towns in Scotland, judging from population, stand in the following order ... list, viz., those who had 1 >een absent for more than a week from sickness ...
... areas in Scotland are located in Glasgow. That's why the list is fairly lengthy. Development. Department, were not prepared to accept the whole of the city but we thought that the places on the list were worthy of consideration and they ...
... towns of Scotland, the birth- rate was lowest in Perth, and highest in ... census of 1861, though the very same conclusion is arrived at by estimating ... list as showing the smallest proportion of deaths, a»d Greenoek at the ...
... towns of Scotland, the 'birth - rate was lowest in Perth, and highest in Dundee ... census of 1861, though the verj sains ooncln- jnon is arrived at by ... list as showing the smallest proportion of deaths, and Greenock at the ...
... census, and adding thereto a number equivalent to that which then ... cities in the .kingdom, whose inhabitants are more perfectly given. Believing, as ... list of the diseases which but year cut off the young under five years of ...
... localities not comprehended in tho Begutrar-Genenl'i calculations for ta ... census enumerators in Glasgow having written to Mr George Anderson, M.F. ... list of the fathers after •oticuigPhin, who doth bestride the narro' world ...
... census gave us the true figures, the deaths to the living under 1 year were ... towns in Scotland, it cannot be denied that the result is startling ... list of the diseases which last year cut off the young under five year* of ...
... Scotland, Scotland, grenped grenped together, mean of 1868-66 232 Lcedt ... localities (towns and groups of towns) seven have a higher mortality than ... Census returns of 1856 are not identical with those of 1861. The following ...