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books.google.co.jp からの"Lauren Hildebrandt"
... . Virgin. I. "Looking for a New Love (Remixes)," Jodey Watley Peace Bisquit. 3. "We Belong Together (P. Rauhofer/Atlantlc land. (Platinum). 'Shout" Sisaundra. Global "Bumln1 Out," Lauren Hildebrandt. Hildy. Soul Mixes)," Manah Carey.
books.google.co.jp からの"Lauren Hildebrandt"
... Lauren Hildebrandt, Boyertown Junior High West; honorable mention, Elizabeth Viruet, Reading, and Jeff Anderton, Exeter Junior High. Grades 1 to 4: first, Paradise; second, Jeanette Lloyd, Reading; third, Aileen Marquette, Brandy wine ...