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books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi will prove their best hope. Kribi has dose well this seasoi and he is getting better ill the time. He has- won twice and been placed in four of his remaining six races. Originally handicapped it 7at., he has earned a 3lb. penalty ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi. Pretone, and Crack of the. KriW has done well thig season aid he U (citing better all the time. He has won ... Kribi at Sandown came Magnetic North, subsequent winner Of the Irish St Lcger, and he met Kribi on level terms ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
Black gold fever strikes Cameroon businessmen. KRIBI (Cameroon): Black gold fever has struck the peaceful coastal resort of Kribi on Cameroon's Atlantic coast, provoking a frenzy of new activity as the town gears up for the construction ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi, a young gorilla. Kribi was snatched from his native jungle of West Equatorial Africa and taken to Toronto's Riverdale zoo. Only 18 months old, Kribi, bewildered by his imprisonment, cowered in a corner until he died. Usually ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi, with Gads Hill third, four lenicths farther away. Prelone. which was the only filly in the race, was- carrying, a 31b. penalty for her recent wm in the Welsh Cesarewitch and her iockey, E. Hide, put 4ip 3lb. over-weight. After ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi, Canada's only gorilla, was announced Thursday, by Dr. Norman Scollard, curator of Toronto's Riverdale Zoo. The cause: Unhappiness and loneliness. "It was a bitter blow," said Dr. Scollard. The animal died two months after leaving ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi, en ecra- •ant tout sur leur passage...!" J'ajoute qu'll avail tu6, en foret, pas nial d 'elephants. Mais Ja null... en pleine ville! d'abandonner a son triste de bete errante I'flme en peine d'nn malheureux pecheur. Au bout de ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi. Canada's only gorilla, was announced Thursday by Dr. Norman Scollard, curator of Toronto's R i v e r d a 1 e Zoo. The cause: unhappiness and loneliness. "It was a bitter blow." said Dr. Scollard. The animal died last week, two ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... Kribi from pining j|| j|| || || away. He wouldn't eat normally. i A radio was put into its cage but," did no good. Kribi was never shown to the||| public, although he was to be- come a star attraction in River- Zoo. For Your ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Kribi"
... unsuccessful in keeping the heartsick Kribi from pining away. He wouldn't eat normally. A radio was put into his cage but did no good. Kribi was never shown to the public, although he was to become a star attraction in River- dale Zoo.