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books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat departs another should immediately be elected. "Third paragraph: "The Judenrat shall elect one person from among its members to head the council and another as substitute. "Fourth paragraph: vThe list of the> members of the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat, who committed suicide rather than put his signature to a Nazi. order for mat* deportations . . . Next to the diaries of the ghetto historian, Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum, Czerniakow's diarlei arc probably the moat important record ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat jucienrai wfn Will somehow preserve them. Epstein's Judenrat chief, Trumpelman, is an extraordinary character — an imposing, semimythical figure wrestling with an insoluble moral dilemma, a savior who is also a schemer, a Moses ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat and they were generally well informed about impending German activities. While there I went into a relative's flat, in which a few families were living together. They assured me that the Judenrat knew nothing about new German ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat and they were generally well informed about impending German activities. While there I went into a reative's flat, in which a few families were living together. They assured me that the Judenrat knew nothing about new German ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat, July 22, 1942." This is a comment on the lying propaganda of the Warshaw collaborationist Judenrat and the Jewish police in connection with the mass deportation to the Treblinka death- ramp. At that time, the Judenrat asked ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat. Refusal to serve led to execution either immediately or soon afterward. The Judenrat served as the collection agency for Jewish money, furs, and other "valuables", eventually including even woollen "The council was responsible ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat. Refusal to serve led to execution either immediately or soon afterward. The Judenrat served as the collection agency for Jewish money, furs, and other "valuables", eventually including even woollen "The council was responsible ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat" and tell him community has to do or not to do. The orgar paid for by the Jews thei seives — no charge u> the Reich —. and you get from the Jews what you want. But even -the administra- tive budget of the community, in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Judenrat"
... Judenrat", Lublin: Habergryc Bernard i Stefanja Bradford lub Harrogate, Anglja Stolberman Teofila, Sosnowiec. Szymon, Warszawa Tauber Abram: Grossman Helen, Bunis Wolf, NYC. Tenenbaum Leja: Ancler Abram, Argentyna; Tenenbaum Feiwel: Huna ...