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books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe of the Basque Nationalist Party. The center-right party has ruled the wealthy region ever since it won limited self-rule following the death of Gen. Francisco Franco in the early 1980s. The party backs. independence ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
"What a horror," said the Basque regional president, Juan Jose Ibarretxe. who insisted ETA does not represent the Basque people. "When ETA attacks, the Basque heart breaks into a thousand pieces," he said in the Basque capital Vitoria ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe, 41, will continue to rule with a minority of the regional parliament — a situation that led to political paralysis in the last year, forcing him to call this election. great politi*' cal victory but asked opposition ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe. who favors a non-violent struggle for independence for the region, and Spam's Interior Minister Mariano Rajoy were among those holding a banner that read: "No to ETA Peace and Freedom." The rally came a day after ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe blamed the armed separatist group ETA. "Every time ETA attacks, it does so against all of us. Blind violence must stop," he said in San Sebastian. It was the first bomb attack attributed to ETA since Aug. 27, when a ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe, after a particularly nasty murder by the terrorist organization last July. "Kill us all who disagree with them?" ETA (Eus- kadi Ta Ask- atasuna — Basque Homeland and Liberty) has been (ailing a lot of people ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe, who favors a non-violent struggle for independence for the region, and Spain's Interior Minister Mariano Rajoy were among those holding a banner that read: "No to ETA. Peace and Freedom." The rally came a day after ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe, do Partido. Nacionalista Basco moderado. 0 PNV 6 a maior agremia- nao politica do Pafs Basco e de- fende uma aproximanao com o brano politico da ETA, o Herri Batasuna, como forma de tenj- tar restabelecer um ambiente ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe was seeking enough voter support to pressure Madrid to negotiate on his plan for Basque au'tonomy bordering on independence. But with 100 percent of the votes counted, his Basque Nationalist Party and a moderate ally ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Juan José Ibarretxe"
... Juan Jose Ibarretxe. A partir de esa fecha "sera po- sible presentar soluciones antes del verano" a los problemas del Pais Vasco, declar6. GRAN BRETANA Inocentes fueron. Amnistia Internacional denuncio ayer en Londres que los palestinos ...