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books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- hncher has arranged parade assign* menis and asks all who have automobiles to donate •'their use for those unable to walk and for auxiliary members to assemble at tlio mooting place and participate In tho parade ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- dorfer, $10.76; Harry D. Ludwig, $15.65; George A. Blankenbiller, S9.39; Harry E. Minnich, $13.74; Samuel Zell, $11.85; Henry F. Wheeler, S7.SO; Albert Quinn, $15.77; G. W. Mulf, $24.32; L. G. Showalter. $17.70; Charles H ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- bacher, of the Washington Post, gave an outline of plans for the Keystone Boys' Camp which will be open July l(i to 2ti. and said he is now receiving applications. Past Commander John Kuchlnlc of the Finleyvllle Post ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- bac-her, of Edwin Scott Liu ton Post, American Legion, in charge ot parade activities for tho 72nd annual encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania, G. A. n., Is anxious that the school children of Washington take part ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- \f eligible. She should strive Lin ton Post sell ono or more bonds to at least Legion, will bejton persons during the Fourth Wheeling and'W«r Loan In order to qualify Wheeling Loan order to mvuiiuj' mvuiiuj' Monday Monday ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen, 13. of 1304 McClorg St. The boy was robbed of wrist watch and kicked in the head last Oct. 22. His assailant, Garry Wayne Ferguson, was convicted of robbery and sentenced to six months the Regina jail. The boy received ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- bacher, acher, co-chairman for the Ainils- lice ice Day celebration to bo held In Washlneton Washlneton this year, announced arrangements arrangements for thn pvent arc well well advanced and Issued an Invitation ation to ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen, 41, of Humboldt, were killed outright in the crash. The body of one of the men had to be cut from the mangled. cars. . . Police said Langen, Searle Grain superintendent . In the Humboldt area, was alone in his car and ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
... Joseph Langen- derfer Jr., John Kofflin, Bud Merles. Patrick Gaffney. Don Daubel, Donald Point, Oliver Brown, Chester Lynch. Irving Yarder. Joseph McClary Jr.. Raymond Boes, Emile Cyures, Melvin Long- way, James Hagerman. Robert Brady ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Joseph Langen"
AAHP Meets. Under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langen- dorf and their committee, Mr. and Mrs. William Howell, Mrs. Arthur Harper, Miss Alice Burke and Mr. and Mrs, William Risenbeck, the Monongahela Area Chapter of the American ...