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books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... JIJI LINE 103.10.28 臺鐵「集集線」與日本「夷隅鐵道」締 2 交通部臺灣鐵路管理局 TAIWAN RALWAYS ADMINISTRATION MOтс 大多喜町全票二水車埕 Eshul Checheng 臺灣鐵路管理局代號 052 票價 78 元 DB 0045 蓋站名日期戳記 103. 10.28 台北站。このきる ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji Line 高雄○台北集集線 Map P.152 - B2 アクセス台北から二水へ台鐵毎日多発、所要約 3 時間 55 分~。莒光號 376 元、區間車 313 元。自強號はほとんど停車しない。※台鐵台中駅、二水駅などでは集集線の 1 日乗車券を販売している。乗降自由で 90 元 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
Stephen Keeling. Exploring the Jiji line aa 台中 The Jiji Branch Rail Line begins at the town of Ershui on the western rail line , roughly halfway between Changhua and Chiayi , but most trains actually start in Taichung ( ~~ ; tái zhōng ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji line climbs through the mountains on its way to historic Jiji village, via some spectacular scenery. You can buy hop on – hop off day passes for each of these three lines from any train station in Taiwan. At the time of writing ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji line of business are as Zhudao system , remaining as the old , Li Jiji have accepted the post after reunification , the appointment of Liang Han ..Du Yuhou for the Army horse and horse army Douzhihuishi , Renzhang Ting Yun for the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji Line for the construction of the Sun Moon Lake Hydropower System. The Pingxi Line was for transporting coal, and the Neiwan Line was built to transport cement and timber. 光雕有三個模式,分別呈現整體路網、幹線及支線的演變。請旋轉 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji Line (Sun Moon Lake) and Neiwan Line (Hsinchu). The trio are the lucky survivors among the systems that lost their original functions as transporters of coal, gold, copper or building materials. Most never made it to the 1990s ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji Line once held. The old wooden plant buildings, wooden houses, and the mountain scenery around the station serve as quaint witnesses to the past. Electric. Power. There are three power plants along the Shueili River- Daguan, Mingtan ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Jiji line" -wikipedia
... Jiji Line passing by the mountain are reflected in the wet paddy fields , making a pleasing image that delights travelers who come here . 豐收樂(吳姵萱) Harvest Fun (Wu Peixuan)傳統的閩南聚落,以紅磚和土牆築成三合院,也是親朋好友聚在一起 ...