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books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... Iron Duke engine. 70.000 miles, driver's Side In perfect condition, will pay lor low, best otter 799 2894. 1981 CHEVETTE 4 door, automatic, $1200 394 2325 Vienna. 1981 CHEVROLET Monle Carlo 6 cylinder, automatic, air conditioning, power ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... transmission, whitewaH tires, tinted glass, power steering, bumper protection package , . . and the exclusive IRON DUKE engine! Great buy on a great car! '71 NOVA 2-DOOR Coupe, e-crlnder. pow« steeriig, eu- MgnepoM,. 1185.
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. PONTIAC ASTRE Formula hatchback coupe. Iron Duke engine, automatic, power steering. 3.400 miles. A great gift for daughter! J3.985 AMC 6 Sportabout wagon, automatic, air. power steering, rack Buy It for the family ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... Iron Duke engine, runs good $175. '75 Sunblrd 4 speed transmission $75. '82-'85 Z28 LeBra $25. '69 Chevelle 12 bolt housing $50. 625-3426. 1980 FORD Courier, motor runs good, sell parts or whole truck. 368-7898. '73 OLDS 350 Rocket ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... whitcwall tire* and radio. List $7200 SALE PRICE. $6895. 79SUNBIRD. Stk 181 4-cyllndor Iron Duke" engine, rear delog- ger, floor console, automatic, power steering and AM radlc-. List $5400 SALE PRICE. $521945 \J \J Sm Sm 1 1 / /
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
1977 PONTIAC ASTRE SAFARI WGN. — 4 cyl. Iron Duke engine, auto., PS. PB. 1 owner, low mlg. Guar. $1995. REIO AUTO SALES, 1328 Lancaster Ave. g 777-6370.
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... .$3.285 Luxus Landau, power. OLDS Cutlass $3,485 Coupe, V-S, one owner, power. PONTIAC Caulina . . . .$4,185 Coupe, Landau, power, mlr. PONTIAC Astre $4.185 Formula coupe. Iron Duke engine, automatic, power steer- Ing. 3,000 miles.
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... Iron duke engine. 2 door, automatic S100p_or BostJJffO^ 677 5522 ^8 LTD M-Tdoor. 61 OMmllos Very good cond Powai steering, brakes & air $1875 767 3939 '79 Oatsun 200 SX 81999 Alt. 5 sp. sun roof. AM/FM cassotto 255 8'3< extension 3369 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... steering. 75 OLDS CUTLASS Coupe, owner, nearly new radial tires. 75PONTIAC PONTIAC CATALINA Coupe Power, air, 24,000 miles. PONTIAC ASTRE Formula Coupe. Only 3,300 miles, auto matte, power steering, Iron Duke engine. Used Cars 860.
books.google.co.jp からの"Iron Duke engine"
... Landau, power. 75OLDSCutlass (3.485 Coupe. V-8, one owner, power. PONTIAC Catallna . . . .84.185 Coupe. Landau, power, air. PONTIAC Astre (4.185 Formula coupe, Iron Duke engine, automatic, power steering, 3,000 miles. OPEN EVENINGS.