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books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... Intelsat, quecntrou em orbita 21 mmulos depois do lancamento do foguele. tera i.apacidade para transmitir Ires canais de tclevisao e 90 mil circuitos telefomcos. Nono e ultimo de uma sene de vatclite*- construidos espccialmcnte para a ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... INTELSAT, a choi- si la fusee europeenne Ariane-5 pour la mise en orbite de trois Intelsat-K. a annonce hier a Paris ... 21 satellites. Le prochain tir d'Ariane, prevu cette nuit, sera ef- fectu^ precisement pour son compte, avec le satellite ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... Intelsat-IV, una de cuyas primeras misiones sera transmitir para la televisi6n de Estados Unidos la visita del ... 21 de febrero. Intelsat-IV tiene capacidad para retrasmitir 5.000 conversacio- nes telef6nicas simultaneas, asl como ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
Intelsat busy beaming Games from Seoul the New Times Largest audience in ... 21, 1»88 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IN THE NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE: Exciting business ... 21-April 19): A partnership has never been better. Rapid progress is a ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... 21. The satellite, known as Intelsat 4, can carry 5,000 telephone or color television circuits simultaneously— more than four times the number of Intelsat 3 which it replaces. A temporary earth station— two moving vans with a giant ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... INTELSAT, a choi- si la fusee europeenne Ariane-5 pour la mise en orbite de trois Intelsat-DC a annonce hier a Paris ... 21 satellites. Le prochain tir d'Ariane, prevu cette nuit, sera ef-. L. L. fectu£ precisement pour son compte, avec le ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... 21 5Q-2H .iti Ut,S,"1 IH, tl"1.1 lt"Ut l •» 19005' - - ji). - C...VS - and The Intelsat -I . C 'flrfai i; 50-21 i canners 13 SO down. Butter And Eggs A, 7»c wound. EGGS- In Ucj medium; CHICAOU (AP k.h.v.dUQ MerCdntn People's Deposits ft ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
Intelsat rocket blown up. CAPE CANAVERAL, Feb. 21. — U.S. Space Agency officials last night blew up an Atlas Centaur rocket carrying the Intelsat IV communications satellite when the rocket tumbled out of control soon after launching ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... Intelsat satellite was hoisted into an elliptical orbit following the 1 18am launch from Cape Canaveral Air Station It eventually will be boosted to an altitude of 22,300 miles and join 21 other Intelsat communications satellites ...
books.google.co.jp からのIntelsat 21
... INTELSAT. Deja une centaine d'ar- tistes, se sont inscrits; les autres ont jusqu'au 15 Janvier 1975 pour presenter ... 21 fevrier 1975. La SCTT presentera 1'oeu- vre gagnante a INTELSAT lors de la prochaine assem- blee annuelle des ...