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books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination of Leonard by Dr. Vincent J. Giovinazzo, of New York City, who has done extensive study of eye injuries to professional boxers. Bryan declined to issue such an order, saying the examination of Leonard by Parker would ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination, an optometrist actually examines inside the eye, blood vessels directly. The the only place in the body blood vessels can be seen without having to look through other tissue. With such a optometrists can see signs ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination for very young or frightened children at the "Children's Vision Center" From 2 until 5 p.m. each ... eye examination. Then, the parent fills out a case history form in the children's examination room Each eye ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination where drops are used to open the pupil wide. Good vision and eye health care is not just for "grown-ups" and older children. The American Public Health Association encourages comprehensive examination as opposed to just ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
Now the other. Some people call this an eye examination. An eye-chart fs only a small part of a complete eye examination. Add a quick look-through with an optical Instrument A few refraction tests (for nearslghtednass. farsightedness ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
EYE EXAMINATION I OB/GYN. QHow long should I wait before • my next eye examination? A The recommended time for an • eye examination Is every year. Many people equate the need for an eye examination with replacing their glasses or an eye ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination. Therefore, she is prevented from shopping around for less expensive, quality glasses. Isn't this practice against the law? If not, it should be. Also, my husband insists poor eyesight is inevitable with old age. Is this ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... Eye Examination by a T S 0 Doctor of Optome- try; Eyewear of unsurpassed quality; Reasonable Cost," • A ISO eye examination includes: complete analysis of your visual history; an internal eye examination for evidence of disease or ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination. She also says that the cost of the service at ISO is very reasonable. That's good enough for me — for you too, I'm sure! I can tell you this, my vision is great." m At T S 0 your 3-phase, professional eye examination ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Eye examination"
... eye examination. She also says that the cost of the service at T S 0 is very reasonable. That's good enough for me— for you too, I'm sure! I can tell you this, my vision is great." a At TS 0 your 3-phase, professional eye examination ...