books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive depends on the composition and density of the explosive and is referred to as the detonation velocity for high explosives and the de- flagration velocity for low explosives . For a more thorough treatment of the physics of ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive . Any such area used for the burning of explosives should be considered a contaminated area and should be secured from unauthorized admittance . The In the operation of an explosive - forming facility , safety is one of the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive of the First World War, and since then the combination of liquid TNT with explosives such as RDX or PETN in plastic form has proved very successful. TNT can be manufactured with relative safety and economy, and because of its ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... Explosive percolation in scale - free networks . Phys . Rev. Lett . 103 , 168701 ( 2009 ) 8. Ziff , R.M .: Explosive growth in biased dynamic percolation on two - dimensional regular lattice networks . Phys . Rev. Lett . 103 , 045701 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive energy release , one is thermal in nature and one is associated with gas expansion . This dual aspect provides a basis for the classic Berthelot approximation for explosive strength ( Reference 10 ) . This takes it that explosive ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive , the speed of all movements shall not exceed 8 kilometers an hour ; and ( c ) no loose shunting take place . ( 11 ) Delivery to and from railway premises .- ( 1 ) Packages containing any explosive shall be removed by the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive driven and non - explosive driven . A detailed description of non- explosive pulsed power technologies is given in [ 1-3 ] , but there is no single book that addresses all the explosive driven pulsed power technologies . This ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive - anchored and 3 expansion - shell bolts 6 feet long ; and on 5 explosive - anchored , 1 expansion - shell , and 1 wedge bolts 4 feet long , figure 4 . Explosive charges were 14 , 21 , and 28 inches long and consisted of 2 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive on the number of large blocks , loading time , cleanup time , feet of advance , and length of muck pile ... Explosive : Dynamite ... Gelatin ... Cut - delay interaction ..... Cut - explosive interaction .... Delay ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Explosive" -wikipedia
... explosive limit of that flammable mixture, the greater the risk of explosion. Explosive limit is not a physical constant because it changes as conditions change. When judging the explosive hazard of a substance under certain ...