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books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
... Clara Ward and The Ward Singers, number one Gospel-singing group in the world.) THE WARD SINGERS: ADMIRED BY GREATS Clara Ward was still in her pre-teen years whpn her mother, Gertrude Ward, formed t'he core of what was to become The ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
Clara Ward just keeps on 'rockin for the Lord. MLYWOOD - Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hefner eased himself from two hovering bunnies** walked over to singer Clara Ward. He slipped an arm around her shoulders, his eves twinkling slyly ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
One Million Gospel Lovers Couldn't i't Be W rong Clara Ward has a $50,000 and earns a quarter lli dollars rs yearly. or a million dollo^ WHAT IS IT that Clara Ward Ward Singers ingers have which endears them to over a million gospelites ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
Clara Ward puts nitery circuit on Gospel kick. NEW " YORK — GNS — The boom in "gospel music has j triggered several interesting developments in the en- tertainment world — all stemming from the widely heralded success of Clara Ward and ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
... Clara Ward, a small, slender woman with a large, rich voice, sees nothing incongruous in singing the gospel in Las Vegas cabarets, Disneyland's Golden Horseshoe, at jazz festivals and theatres from Broadway to Paris. WE MANAGED to catch ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
What gospel singing means to me! By CLARA WARD reaches tear IIIIS MIA down their go HEATI CA~ i ."JOTE if- Mm Clara Ward and th« Ward to. IN THE LIMfcLKiliT— Left to right: Tenor sax star Arnelt Cobb teed-off on a coast-to-coast tour ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
Clara Ward tells why gospel sung in niteries. MILWAUKEE fANP) — Clara Ward, leader of the famed Clara Ward Singers, in an interview last week, gave some tangible reasons why the group maintains its gospel formal even while singing in ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
One Million Gospel Lovers Couldn't Be Wrong Clara Ward has i $50,000 wardrobe, i pea-green limou sine, and earns i quarter of i million dollars vearlv. WHAT WH IS IT that Clara Ward and the four other women who make up the W Ward ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
... Clara Ward and Wil- Ja Ward, all of Philadelphia. Free admission: Admission to the concert is free. This program is being sponsored by the pastor's aide committee of the church. Genia Lee Herns is president of the committee and .the Rev ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Clara Ward"
Sospel star Clara Ward, airls home for a rest. LOS ANGELES - girls and I need a rest. We've been making a joyful noia« unto the Lord and the people for a long time now without a single week's vacation," spoke Los Angeles resident Clara Ward ...