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books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
New Chemical Formula of Vitamin B Will Allow It to Be Made by Machine. NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (AP) — Man's supply of vitamin B, hitherto limited to the meat and vegetables ho cats, soon "may be made by machine wiUhout Ilmlf. This Is forecast ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula of vitamin B. Discovery of the fornJula means that chemists will be able to synthesize . or artificially manufacture, the vitamin. B is the nerve vitamin. It is useful as a preventive of nerve disorders. It is suspected ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula covered by the patent invented and given the name "Albendazole" by Smith Kline is being copied and utilized by Tryco Pharma Corporation in manufacturing a drug with the name, "Impregon." The lawyers said the name of the ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula "Albendazole" which is a name given by the plaintiff upon its invention. Sometime last February, the plaintiff discovered that defendant Tryco Pharma Corp. is manufacturing and selling a veterinary drug under the brand ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula he didn't yet know. To which he tartly reminded them that they also had been using insulin since 1922, yet they didn't, know its chemical formula till 1947! Dr. Ivy was thus a fighter and unafraid of the unionized ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula for "white crude." a cheap conversion of natural gas to crystal clear oil. It's a new liquid fuel that can be produced for nearly the same cost as oil and then refined into a cleaner-burning gasoline for cars, home ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula. There werp many optimistic people (hat sincerely believed that all garden vegetables were going fo be grown chemically. After all, they argued, all the ground does is hold the plant in an upright position, and furnish ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula. Librium, a well- known tranquillzer, costs between $7 and $8 for 100 tablets, depending on where you have your prescription filled. But the same chemical recipe is available for half the price under the unknown tongue ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula will be marketed under two names * Bio-Cat Sure Grow for large-scale application on farms, and Super Dew for the housewife or even for the greenskeeper at your favorite golf course. The Bio-Catalytic Corporation, based ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Chemical formula"
... chemical formula NH, it Is com posed of one part of nitrogen, three parts of hydrogen At the Shell Point plant, the raw materials used are ordinary air (oxygen and nitrogen) nnd a natural gas piped In from a number of gas fields in the ...