books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift , i.e. , the change in wavelength required when intensity changes in order to maintain hue constant ; the concomi- tant change in wavelength serves to offset the change in hue that would otherwise take place ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift ( λH -λ ) is plotted as a function of λн · Table 1 ( 5.9 ) Example of Scoring Procedure Used. one observer and the variability between different observers was much improved . However , the third method was not used ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift according to the method devised by Boynton and Gordon . 17 The changes in the color - scores from 0.15-15 ft - L . were analyzed both for the 300- and the 2 - m.sec . dura- tions . The two curves shown in Fig . 4 ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold-Brucke shift.” In low intensity illumination the color percepts elicited by wavelengths below ~500 nm are shifted toward blue in perception, whereas wavelengths above ~500 nm are shifted toward yellow. Conversely in high ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift is im- portant to theories of vision , much of our knowledge of the phenomenon is based on a study by Purdy , made over 30 years ago on a single subject . It therefore seemed appro- priate to examine the effect ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold–Brucke shift [16, 17]. As the light intensity increases, the color perception shifts more toward blue or yellow, depending on the original color of the object. Then, if the object is yellow, it tends to look more saturated than ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift is also characteristic of the color vision of this species . Beyond demonstrating the presence of a luminance - dependent hue shift , Wright ( 1976 ) noted that at four wavelengths ( 530 , 550 , 600 , and 630 nm ) ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift affects the difference of these two components , it is clear that the shift will apply to this region of the spectrum less easily and less distinctly for color - anomalous observers than for normal observers . In ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift ( AH - XL ) is plotted against AH . ( From G. Wyszecki & W. S. Stiles , Color science , 2nd ed . Copyright 1982 by John Wiley & Sons , Inc. Reprinted with permission . ) 20 stimulus . The excess of the wavelength ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Bezold–Brücke shift" -wikipedia
... Bezold - Brücke shift is im- portant to theories of vision , much of our knowledge of the phenomenon is based on a study by Purdy , made over 30 years ago on a single subject . It therefore seemed appro- priate to examine the effect ...