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books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos. His Reverence was a good racehorse himself, and is the sire of Superstition, King Pin, Prior (Q.T.C. ... Atropos, produced April Fool, winner of the Hawkcs- bury Autumn Handicap, V.R.C. Final Handicap, and other good races ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos was a sloop of war so she offered Horatio a chance for rapid advance in the career now familiar to us. Like Horatio of Alger fame, Horatio Hornblowcr manages to come out on top. His first assignment with the Atropos involved no ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos. The surname meaning in Greek the Inflexible One, will be recalled by those who remember their mythology as the name borne by the third of the three Fates, the one who cuts off the thread of life after it had been spun by Clotho ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos. Clotho was the spinner of the thread of life. Lachesis decided how long the thread of life was to be. And Atropos cut the thread. The Fates were stern and gloomy goddesses. Nothing could make them change their minds. Men ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos Island and its owner, A. S. Line K. K. The suit contends that during heavy winds the motor vessel Cynthia dragged its anchor and stopped against a barge at a Weyerhaeuser Co. lumber dock. The suit said the vessel was stationery ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos, cut t off one of the hairs from the head. She was genthe. erally worshipped among the ancients, and was known by the different appellations of Ilecati, Libitana, Juno Inferna, &c. The Fates, or Parcoe, were three powerful ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos cuts it and we go when the time comes. That was the ancient belief. But science has interfered with Mother Atropos. She now cuts the thread of life on the average twenty to thirty years later than she used to cut it. Millions of ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos, In the shadow, year out, year The silent headsman waits "Wait, we say ; cur years are long g >!enare weak, but Man is strong; g Since the stars first curved their We have looked on many things s Great wars come and great -wars ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos cuts it and we go when the time comes. That was the ancient belief. But science has interfered with Mother Atropos. She now cuts the thread of life on the average 20 to 30 years later than she used to cut it. Millions of ...
books.google.co.jp からの"Atropos"
... Atropos you guessed it - the cutter of the thread (with his rusty scalpel). Clothos and Lachesis politely explain that while they work in behalf of a higher purpose, nasty Atropos is an agent of randomness. ~ pe- Atropos has interfered ...