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Geijera parviflora

一般に wilga として知られる Geijera parviflora は、ミカン科の低木または小さな木の一種で、オーストラリア東部の内陸部に固有です。垂れ下がった枝、線形から狭い槍形の葉、緩い円錐花序に小さな白い花、光沢のある黒い種子を含む球形の果実があります。 ウィキペディア(英語)
学名Geijera parviflora
en.wikipedia.org からのGeijera parviflora
Geijera parviflora, commonly known as wilga, is a species of shrub or small tree in the family Rutaceae and is endemic to inland parts of eastern Australia.
www.specialitytrees.com.au からのGeijera parviflora
Wilga is a useful shade and also street tree in dry areas and as a fodder tree in agricultural areas. Its leaves have medicinal qualities.
www.botanic.jp からのGeijera parviflora
オーストラリアに広く分布しています。乾燥した地域に生え、高さは6~9メートルほどになります。樹皮は幼木のときは淡灰色で平滑ですが、成木では粗く割れ目が入り ...
www.smgrowers.com からのGeijera parviflora
Geijera parviflora (Australian Willow) - Australian-Willow is an attractive evergreen, typically growing 30 to 35 feet tall and 20 feet wide, ...
selectree.calpoly.edu からのGeijera parviflora
This tree has a graceful, weeping habit with slender branches that give it a delicate appearance. Its narrow, evergreen leaves are dark green and slightly ...
Geijera parvifloraは、細く優雅な形を持つ常緑樹で、通常は中程度の高さに成長します。葉は狭く、ヤナギに似ていますが、より頑丈で、乾燥などの様々な条件に適応し ...
Australian-Willow is an attractive evergreen, 30 to. 35 feet tall and 20 feet wide, with an upright, oval silhouette (Fig. 1). The main inner branches are.
www.inaturalist.org からのGeijera parviflora
Geijera parviflora, commonly known as the Wilga or Native Willow, is a small tree or bush found in inland parts of eastern Australia.
waterwisegardenplanner.org からのGeijera parviflora
Australian willow is native to warm and dry interior regions of Australia where annual rainfall varies between 6-15 in. and long periods of drought are common.
plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au からのGeijera parviflora
Shrub or tree to 10 m high, leaves and branches pendent and often reaching to ground level but frequently trimmed by sheep; glabrous or inflorescences.