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Wolves in Wolves

Thirty large wolves appeared on the streets of Wolverhampton in July 2017. Schools in the city have decorated smaller mini-wolves which are on display in the Art Gallery. The Wolves will be on public display until 24th September then auctioned to support Outside Centre, a local disability arts charity and the Mayor of Wolverhampton's charities.
by John M

Created: Wed, 12 Jul 2017, Updated: Fri, 14 Jul 2017

32 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SO9198 : 'Fenrir' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : Garden Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'Dynasty' Wolf by John M
SO9098 : The Sitting Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : Sacred Grandfathers- Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'Garden Wolf' by John M
SO9198 : 'Support Life' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : 'Wolfy McWolf' by John M
SO9198 : 'Aurora' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : Wolfy McWolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : Sunset Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'Love' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : Compton Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9199 : Old Gold Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'Endless Opportunities' Wolf by John M
SO9098 : Thomas Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : Beanstalk Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9199 : 'Hunter' Wolf by John M
SO9099 : Bayliss Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'Hope' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : 'Zeus' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : 'Mander' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : Kiyiya Wolf by Gordon Griffiths
SO9198 : 'The Fallen' Wolf by John M
SO9198 : Rainbow Wolf by Gordon Griffiths

... and 7 more images.

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