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Carrbridge (Drochaid Chàrr)
The village is famous for its 18th century packhorse bridge (NH9022 : Old Pack Horse Bridge at Carrbridge ) around which it developed and from which it gets its name. The Old Bridge of Carr had been built in 1717 as a foot bridge and in 1791 a new toll bridge was built for wheeled transport, carrying first the Kinveachy to Dulsie Bridge military road and from 1803, the Perth - Inverness road as well. The 'T' junction at the new bridge was a natural place for a settlement to develop. The first building near the Bridge was an Inn. The 1808 village plan showed small crofts on along the new main road (Inverness Road). It was not until the opening of the Aviemore to Inverness spur of the Highland railway line in 1898 that Carrbridge grew from being a hamlet to becoming a village popular as a tourist destination.; an old holiday guide refers to Carrbridge as, "A quiet holiday village on the fringes of nowhere in particular". By the late 1950s Carrbridge was booming as the first ski-centre in Scotland.
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- Old Packhorse Bridge, Carrbridge
By N Chadwick. Used on 6 images
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