NT5613 : A 'march' dyke and nascent fork of Hallrule Burn near Denholm in The Scottish Borders
taken 3 years ago, 3 km from Kirkton, Scottish Borders, Scotland
A 'march' dyke and nascent fork of Hallrule Burn near Denholm in The Scottish Borders
Dykes that form the march between farms have the endearing habit of having no gates - there would have been and still is no point! Add to that a farmer's role in preserving heritage artefacts - as well as saving himself astronomical repair bills by armouring dykes with barbed or electric fencing to prevent damage by stock - and you have a pretty unsurmountable bit of heritage! In this example one farm has used electricity as one can tell by the black insulators whereas the other may have felt the nascent Hallrule Burn was sufficiently deterring.
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