Grid reference SK4762
near to Teversal, Nottinghamshire, England
Explore gridsquare SK4762
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Information point, Silverhill Wood Country Park
Marks the site of Teversal Colliery.
Commemorative statue at the highest point in Nottinghamshire
This statue commemorates the Nottinghamshire Coalfield, its collieries and its miners.It stands on the highest point of Silverhill pit tip. 'Robin Hood' (our guide on the sponsored walk for the local hospice) assures us that on a... (more)
Silverhill Wood Country Park - Pond View (set of 2 images)
Silverhill Wood, and the miner's statue
Power lines
This easterly facing photograph, taken from the Teversal Trail, shows power lines at a point where they change direction as they make their way, behind the viewpoint, toward Fackley. Ahead the lines pass Dawgates Farm on their way to the... (more)
Man walking dog
The path follows the former course of the Alfreton to Mansfield branch of the Midland Railway.
Cycle path near Teversal
Comma Butterfly
This Comma (Polygonia c-album) is feeding on some late flowering Water Mint (Mentha aquatica) near one of the pools on Silverhill Country park.
Silverhill Wood Country Park
Track view of commemorative statue of miner with lamp.
Ashfield : Silverhill Wood Country Park - Testing For Gas
The flat area of the viewpoint was originally laid out with stone blocks, at the ordinal points of the compass. A bronze statue of a kneeling coal miner with a Davy lamp was a later addition, located on a rock plinth in the centre of the... (more)
Stile with Dog Flap
This stile has its own dog flap by raising the wooden panel on the right, this would save your dog having to jump the fence.
Peartree Lane Bridge near Silverhill Wood Country Park
The Teversal Trail, which was the Midland Railway's Tibshelf and Pleasley Branch Line passes under this brick skew arch at Peartree Lane.