Grid reference SU1170
near to Avebury, Wiltshire, England
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On the Herepath heading down to Avebury
A lovely place to be ...
Trees on Avebury Down
Seen from the Wessex Ridgeway.
Avebury Down
Looking up from the byway behind Manor Farm.
View north-west from the Herepath, near Avebury
The Herepath, also known as Green Street and now part of the Wessex Ridgeway long-distance trail, here runs from Avebury to cross the Ridgeway further east. Wiltshire Sites and Monuments Record... (more)
Farmland and downland north-east of Avebury
Some decent weather at last following weeks of overcast and gloom. The black specks are birds.
A Neolithic walk around Avebury [30]
The track, a public byway, from The Ridgeway meets Herepath or Green Street, also a public byway and part of the Wessex Ridgeway long distance path. This is the view along Herepath towards Overton Down.
The walk starts at the stone circles... (more)
Wessex Ridgeway east of Manor Farm
Avebury Down
Downland off the Herepath or Green Street above Avebury, with a couple of tree-topped bowl barrows in the distance.
Farm Building, Manor Farm, Avebury
Wessex Ridgeway near Avebury Down
The Herepath
Byway just east of Manor Farm, forming part of the Wessex Ridgeway, a long distance path not to be confused with the Ridgeway National Trail which it crosses about 1.5 km to the east of this spot. Because use by off-road vehicles can cause... (more)
On the Herepath heading towards Avebury
An interesting kink in the path ahead where it has to follow the lie of the land.