Seahorse sculpture near Belfast harbour :: Shared Description

The following is a quotation from a Belfast Harbour Commissioners press release: “Belfast Harbour has officially unveiled a landmark public artwork as part of its 400th anniversary celebrations. The eight-metre high Seahorse sculpture has been installed at Dargan Road, where it will welcome thousands of daily visitors to the Harbour on what is the Port’s busiest entrance.
The ‘Belfast Seahorse’ is the work of internationally-acclaimed German sculptor and University of Ulster Reader Ralf Sander, whose portfolio includes major projects in South Korea, the US and Germany. Made of highly polished stainless steel and resting on an enlarged shipping bollard, the sculpture is designed to reflect the surrounding environment in a kaleidoscopic fashion.
The Seahorse has strong connections to Belfast’s origins and maritime history, with the city’s first merchants printing the mythical creature on their coins throughout the 17th century”.
The sculpture was unveiled during October 2013 - see also J3374 : The "Inst" seahorse sculpture, Belfast (1), J3374 : The east porch, Belfast City Hall (4) and J3372 : Post, Belfast.
by Albert Bridge
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2 images use this description:

J3577 : Seahorse sculpture near Belfast harbour (2) by Albert Bridge
J3577 : Seahorse sculpture near Belfast harbour (1) by Albert Bridge

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Created: Thu, 20 Feb 2014, Updated: Thu, 20 Feb 2014

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