
Database: RefSeq
Entry: WP_012583693
LinkDB: WP_012583693
Original site: WP_012583693 
LOCUS       WP_012583693             240 aa            linear   BCT 24-MAY-2024
DEFINITION  MULTISPECIES: ribonuclease PH [Dictyoglomus].
ACCESSION   WP_012583693
VERSION     WP_012583693.1
SOURCE      Dictyoglomus
  ORGANISM  Dictyoglomus
            Bacteria; Dictyoglomota; Dictyoglomia; Dictyoglomales;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 240)
  AUTHORS   Harlow,L.S., Kadziola,A., Jensen,K.F. and Larsen,S.
  TITLE     Crystal structure of the phosphorolytic exoribonuclease RNase PH
            from Bacillus subtilis and implications for its quaternary
            structure and tRNA binding
  JOURNAL   Protein Sci 13 (3), 668-677 (2004)
   PUBMED   14767080
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 240)
  AUTHORS   Kelly,K.O. and Deutscher,M.P.
  TITLE     Characterization of Escherichia coli RNase PH
  JOURNAL   J Biol Chem 267 (24), 17153-17158 (1992)
   PUBMED   1512253
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: HMM
            Evidence Accession :: TIGR01966.1
            Evidence Source    :: JCVI
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..240
     gene            1..240
     Protein         1..240
                     /product="ribonuclease PH"
                     /GO_function="GO:0000049 - tRNA binding [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_function="GO:0009022 - tRNA nucleotidyltransferase
                     activity [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_process="GO:0008033 - tRNA processing [Evidence IEA]"
     Region          3..239
                     /note="Ribonuclease PH [Translation, ribosomal structure
                     and biogenesis]; COG0689"
        1 mvridkrsnt dlrpvkitrk ylkyplgsvl iemgetkvic tvsmeekvpp flkgtnqgwl
       61 taeygmlpgs tperkvrdvv kgaingrsqe iqrligrslr avvdfsklge rtiwidadvi
      121 qadggtrtaa itgafvalyd aleklkregi ikeipirefv aavsvgivdg eilldlsane
      181 dmraevdmnv vmtesgkfve iqgtaektpf theqlqhmln lakqgimrli eiqkktlgll
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