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Fibonacci Moving Averages Input Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-11-01 16:42:41



The Fibonacci Moving Averages Input strategy is based on moving average crossover or crossunder signals to generate trading signals. When the short-term moving average crosses above the long-term moving average, a bullish golden cross signal is generated. When the short-term moving average crosses below the long-term moving average, a bearish death cross signal is generated. The commonly used moving averages are the 50-day and 200-day moving averages.

The Fibonacci Moving Averages Input (FibMAI) strategy allows you to choose any value for your bullish or bearish crosses. For visual display, I have plotted Fibonacci moving averages including 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 while hiding the candlesticks. But to use this indicator, I only enable a couple of MA’s to check if there’s a notable crossover or crossunder pattern, then backtest those values into the FibMAI strategy Long or Short settings input.

For example, the Long or Short settings input for this NQ1! day chart is:

Bullish = FibEMA34 crossover FibEMA144

Bearish = FibEMA55 crossunder FibSMA144

As you can see, you can mix and match 4 different MA values, either Exponential or Simple.

Default color settings: Rising value = green color Falling value = red color

Default Visual FibMA settings: FibEMA 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181

Default Visual MA settings: SMA 50, 100, 150, 200

Default Long or Short settings: Bullish = FibEMA34 crossover FibEMA144

Bearish = FibEMA55 crossunder FibSMA144


The core logic of this strategy is based on crossover signals between two moving averages to generate trading signals.

Moving averages are technical indicators used to analyze market trends. They calculate the average closing price over a certain period and can effectively filter market fluctuations. There are two types of moving averages - Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA).

SMA is the simple arithmetic average of closing prices over a period. EMA applies exponential smoothing to closing prices, giving more weight to recent prices. EMA reacts more quickly to price changes.

When the short-term moving average crosses above the long-term moving average, it signals a bullish trend change and generates a buy signal. This is called a “golden cross”. Conversely, when the short-term moving average crosses below the long-term moving average, it signals a bearish trend change and generates a sell signal. This is called a “death cross”.

The flexibility of this strategy lies in the ability to manually set the parameters for the 4 moving averages. The default parameters are 34-period EMA crossing above 144-period EMA for bullish signal, and 55-period SMA crossing below 144-period EMA for bearish signal. These parameters can be freely adjusted in the input boxes.

In addition, the strategy plots multiple Fibonacci sequence moving averages across different timeframes. Common moving averages like 50-day, 100-day, 150-day and 200-day are also plotted. These serve as references, while the key is the crossover moving averages entered in the Long/Short settings.


The advantages of this moving average crossover strategy include:

  1. Using moving averages filters market noise and identifies trend direction

  2. Crossover signals have a certain degree of reliability

  3. Customizable long and short moving average combinations for parameter optimization

  4. Incorporates multiple timeframes to identify trends

  5. Can use both EMA and SMA based on instrument characteristics

  6. Visually intuitive with colored moving average crosses

  7. Simple to understand and suitable for beginners

  8. Flexibly applied across different instruments with universality


There are also some risks to this strategy:

  1. Too many whipsaw signals during choppy markets, leading to over-trading

  2. Incorrect signals if unsuitable moving average combinations are used

  3. Lag in signals during extreme trend reversals, unable to reflect price changes in time

  4. Moving average crosses do not completely avoid losses, need reasonable stop loss

  5. Over-optimization causing curve fitting. Parameters need to be robust across market cycles.

  6. Parameters may need fine-tuning for different instruments

Optimization Directions

Some ways to optimize this strategy:

  1. Test different long and short moving average combinations to find optimal parameters using backtesting

  2. Try adjusting moving average types, compare SMA and EMA performances. Use SMA for instruments with clearer trends, and EMA for more volatile instruments.

  3. Incorporate other indicators like KDJ, MACD to filter false signals and improve quality

  4. Add stop loss strategies to control loss on single trades, such as trailing stop loss

  5. Optimize money management strategies, like adjusting position sizing based on drawdown

  6. Test parameter stability across different instruments and timeframes to evaluate robustness


Overall, the Fibonacci Moving Averages Input strategy is a reliable trend following system. It uses simple and intuitive moving average crosses for trade signals, and can be adapted to different instruments through parameter optimization. With proper stop loss and money management, risks can be controlled. Over-optimization and lagging trend reversal signals should be avoided. With well-chosen parameters and trading discipline, this can be an efficient and stable profit-generating strategy.

start: 2022-10-25 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-31 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Options360 : Fibonacci MAI (Moving Averages Input) beta 10/15/22
// © Options360 original public release = 2/25/23
// * This script uses altered pieces of code from my @Options360 "Fibonacci MA7" indicator*
// 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811
strategy(title="Fibonacci Moving Averages Input", shorttitle = "FibMAI", overlay=true)

src = input(ohlc4, 'source')
string  GRP = "Long or Short Settings"
exponential1 = input(true, title="long EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP)
long = input.int(34, minval=1, title="long", tooltip="Signal Moving average long input")
long1 = exponential1 ? ta.ema(src, long) : ta.sma(src, long)

exponential2 = input(true, title="crossover EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
longer = input.int(144, minval=1, title="crossover", tooltip="Crossed over Moving average long input")
long2 = exponential2 ? ta.ema(src, longer) : ta.sma(src, longer)

exponential3 = input(true, title="short EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
short = input.int(55, minval=1, title="short", tooltip="Signal Moving average short input")
short1 = exponential3 ? ta.ema(src, short) : ta.sma(src, short)

exponential4 = input(false, title="crossunder EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
shorter = input.int(144, minval=1, title="crossunder", tooltip="Crossed under Moving average short input")
short2 = exponential4 ? ta.ema(src, shorter) : ta.sma(src, shorter)
string  GRP2 = "Visual FibMA Settings"
exponential = input(true, title="Fib EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP2)
smaplot11 = input (true, title="MA1")
len11 = input.int(1, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out11 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len11) : ta.sma(src, len11)
up11 = out11 > out11[1]
down11 = out11 < out11[1]
mycolor11 = up11 ? #3cfe12 : down11 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out11 and smaplot11 ? out11 :na, title="1", color=mycolor11, linewidth=1)

smaplot18 = input (true, title="MA2")
len18 = input.int(2, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out18 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len18) : ta.sma(src, len18)
up18 = out18 > out18[1]
down18 = out18 < out18[1]
mycolor18 = up18 ? #3cfe12 : down18 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out18 and smaplot18 ? out18 :na , title="2", color=mycolor18, linewidth=1)

smaplot13 = input (true, title="MA3")
len13 = input.int(3, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out13 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len13) : ta.sma(src, len13)
up13 = out13 > out13[1]
down13 = out13 < out13[1]
mycolor13 = up13 ? #3cfe12 : down13 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out13 and smaplot13 ? out13 :na , title="3", color=mycolor11, linewidth=1)

smaplot9 = input (true, title="MA5")
len9 = input.int(5, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out9 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len9) : ta.sma(src, len9)
up9 = out9 > out9[1]
down9 = out9 < out9[1]
mycolor9 = up9 ? #3cfe12 : down9 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out9 and smaplot9 ? out9 :na , title="5", color=mycolor9, linewidth=1)

smaplot8 = input (true, title="MA8")
len8 = input.int(8, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out8 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len8) : ta.sma(src, len8)
up8 = out8 > out8[1]
down8 = out8 < out8[1]
mycolor8 = up8 ? #3cfe12 : down8 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out8 and smaplot8 ? out8 :na , title="8", color=mycolor8, linewidth=1)

smaplot7 = input (true, title="MA13")
len7 = input.int(13, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out7 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len7) : ta.sma(src, len7)
up7 = out7 > out7[1]
down7 = out7 < out7[1]
mycolor7 = up7 ? #3cfe12 : down7 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out7 and smaplot7 ? out7 :na , title="13", color=mycolor7, linewidth=1)

smaplot = input (true, title="MA21")
len = input.int(21, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len) : ta.sma(src, len)
up = out > out[1]
down = out < out[1]
mycolor = up ? #3cfe12 : down ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out and smaplot ? out :na, title="21", color=mycolor, linewidth=1)

smaplot2 = input (true, title="MA34")
len2 = input.int(34, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out2 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len2) : ta.sma(src, len2)
up2 = out2 > out2[1]
down2 = out2 < out2[1]
mycolor2 = up2 ? #3cfe12 : down2 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out2 and smaplot2 ? out2 :na , title="34", color=mycolor2, linewidth=1)

smaplot3 = input (true, title="MA55")
len3 = input.int(55, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out3 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len3) : ta.sma(src, len3)
up3 = out3 > out3[1]
down3 = out3 < out3[1]
mycolor3 = up3 ? #3cfe12 : down3 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out3 and smaplot3 ? out3 :na, title="55", color=mycolor3, linewidth=1)

smaplot4 = input (true, title="MA89")
len4 = input.int(89, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out4 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len4) : ta.sma(src, len4)
up4 = out4 > out4[1]
down4 = out4 < out4[1]
mycolor4 = up4 ? #3cfe12 : down4 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out4 and smaplot4 ? out4 :na , title="89", color=mycolor4, linewidth=1)

smaplot5 = input (true, title="MA144")
len5 = input.int(144, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out5 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len5) : ta.sma(src, len5)
up5 = out5 > out5[1]
down5 = out5 < out5[1]
mycolor5 = up5 ? #3cfe12 : down5 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out5 and smaplot5 ? out5 :na, title="144", color=mycolor5, linewidth=1)

smaplot6 = input (true, title="MA233")
len6 = input.int(233, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out6 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len6) : ta.sma(src, len6)
up6 = out6 > out6[1]
down6 = out6 < out6[1]
mycolor6 = up6 ? #3cfe12 : down6 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out6 and smaplot6 ? out6 :na , title="233", color=mycolor6, linewidth=1)

smaplot10 = input (true, title="MA377")
len10 = input.int(377, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out10 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len10) : ta.sma(src, len10)
up10 = out10 > out10[1]
down10 = out10 < out10[1]
mycolor10 = up10 ? #3cfe12 : down10 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out10 and smaplot10 ? out10 :na , title="377", color=mycolor10, linewidth=1)

smaplot14 = input (true, title="MA610")
len14 = input.int(610, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out14 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len14) : ta.sma(src, len14)
up14 = out14 > out14[1]
down14 = out14 < out14[1]
mycolor14 = up14 ? #3cfe12 : down14 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out14 and smaplot14 ? out14 :na , title="610", color=mycolor14, linewidth=1)

smaplot15 = input (true, title="MA987")
len15 = input.int(987, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out15 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len15) : ta.sma(src, len15)
up15 = out15 > out15[1]
down15 = out15 < out15[1]
mycolor15 = up15 ? #3cfe12 : down15 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out15 and smaplot15 ? out15 :na , title="987", color=mycolor15, linewidth=1)

smaplot16 = input (true, title="MA1597")
len16 = input.int(1597, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out16 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len16) : ta.sma(src, len16)
up16 = out16 > out16[1]
down16 = out16 < out16[1]
mycolor16 = up16 ? #3cfe12 : down16 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out16 and smaplot16 ? out16 :na , title="1597", color=mycolor16, linewidth=1)

smaplot17 = input (true, title="MA2584")
len17 = input.int(2584, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out17 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len17) : ta.sma(src, len17)
up17 = out17 > out17[1]
down17 = out17 < out17[1]
mycolor17 = up17 ? #3cfe12 : down17 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out17 and smaplot17 ? out17 :na , title="2584", color=mycolor17, linewidth=1)

smaplot19 = input (true, title="MA4181")
len19 = input.int(4181, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out19 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len19) : ta.sma(src, len19)
up19 = out19 > out19[1]
down19 = out19 < out19[1]
mycolor19 = up19 ? #3cfe12 : down19 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out19 and smaplot19 ? out19 :na , title="4181", color=mycolor19, linewidth=1)
string  GRP3 = "Visual MA Settings"
exponential5 = input(false, title="EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP3)

smaplot50 = input (true, title="MA50")
len50 = input.int(50, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma50 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len50) : ta.sma(src, len50)
up50 = ma50 > ma50[1]
down50 = ma50 < ma50[1]
mycolor50 = up50 ? #3cfe12 : down50 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma50 and smaplot50 ? ma50 :na , title="50", color=mycolor50, linewidth=1)

smaplot100 = input (true, title="MA100")
len100 = input.int(100, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma100 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len100) : ta.sma(src, len100)
up100 = ma100 > ma100[1]
down100 = ma100 < ma100[1]
mycolor100 = up100 ? #3cfe12 : down100 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma100 and smaplot100 ? ma100 :na , title="100", color=mycolor100, linewidth=1)

smaplot150 = input (true, title="MA150")
len150 = input.int(150, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma150 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len150) : ta.sma(src, len150)
up150 = ma150 > ma150[1]
down150 = ma150 < ma150[1]
mycolor150 = up150 ? #3cfe12 : down150 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma150 and smaplot150 ? ma150 :na , title="150", color=mycolor150, linewidth=1)

smaplot200 = input (true, title="MA200")
len200 = input.int(200, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma200 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len200) : ta.sma(src, len200)
up200 = ma200 > ma200[1]
down200 = ma200 < ma200[1]
mycolor200 = up200 ? #3cfe12 : down200 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma200 and smaplot200 ? ma200 :na , title="200", color=mycolor200, linewidth=1)
if (ta.crossover(long1, long2))
	strategy.entry("maL", strategy.long, comment="maLong")
if (ta.crossunder(short1, short2))
	strategy.entry("maS", strategy.short, comment="maShort")
