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TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 + dynamic variables NON-REPAINTING

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2022-05-24 16:59:00

Accidentally, I’m sharing open-source profitable Forex strategy. Accidentally, because this was aimed to be purely educational material. A few days ago TradingView released a very powerful feature of dynamic values from PineScript now being allowed to be passed in Alerts. And thanks to TradingConnector, they could be instantly executed in MT4 or MT5 platform of any broker in the world. So yeah - TradingConnector works with indices and commodities , too.

The logic of this EURUSD 6h strategy is very simple - it is based on Stochastic crossovers with stop-loss set under most recent pivot point . Setting stop-loss with surgical precision is possible exactly thanks to allowance of dynamic values in alerts. TradingConnector has been also upgraded to take advantage of these dynamic values and it now enables executing trades with pre-calculated stop-loss, take-profit, as well as stop and limit orders.

Another fresh feature of TradingConnector, is closing positions only partly - provided that the broker allows it, of course. A position needs to have trade_id specified at entry, referred to in further alerts with partial closing. Detailed spec of alerts syntax and functionalities can be found at TradingConnector website. How to include dynamic variables in alert messages can be seen at the very end of the script in alertcondition() calls.

The strategy also takes commission into consideration.

Slippage is intentionally left at 0. Due to shorter than 1 second delivery time of TradingConnector, slippage is practically non-existing. This can be achieved especially if you’re using VPS server, hosted in the same datacenter as your brokers’ servers. I am using such setup, it is doable. Small slippage and spread is already included in commission value.

This strategy is NON-REPAINTING and uses NO TRAILING-STOP or any other feature known to be faulty in TradingView backtester. Does it make this strategy bulletproof and 100% success-guaranteed? Hell no! Remember the no.1 rule of backtesting - no matter how profitable and good looking a script is, it only tells about the past. There is zero guarantee the same strategy will get similar results in the future.

To turn this script into study so that alerts can be produced, do 2 things:

  1. comment “strategy” line at the beginning and uncomment “study” line
  2. comment lines 54-59 and uncomment lines 62-65. Then add script to the chart and configure alerts.

This script was build for educational purposes only.

Certainly this is not financial advice. Anybody using this script or any of its parts in any way, must be aware of high risks connected with trading.

Thanks @LucF and @a.tesla2018 for helping me with code fixes :)



start: 2022-04-23 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-22 23:59:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Peter_O

strategy(title='TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 Strategy example', commission_type=strategy.commission.cash_per_order, commission_value=0.00003, overlay=false, default_qty_value=100000, initial_capital=1000)
//study(title="TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 Strategy example")  //uncomment this line and comment previous one to make it a study producing alerts
// This script was created for educational purposes only.
// It is showing how to use dynamic variables in TradingView alerts.
// And how to execute them in Forex, indices and commodities markets

TakeProfitDistance = input(400)
TakePartialProfitDistance = input(150)

// **** Entries logic **** {
periodK = input.int(13, title='K', minval=1)
periodD = input.int(3, title='D', minval=1)
smoothK = input.int(4, title='Smooth', minval=1)
k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, periodD)
plot(k, title='%K', color=color.new(color.blue, 0))
plot(d, title='%D', color=color.new(color.orange, 0))
h0 = hline(80)
h1 = hline(20)
fill(h0, h1, color=color.new(color.purple, 75))

GoLong = ta.crossover(k, d) and k < 80
GoShort = ta.crossunder(k, d) and k > 20
// } End of entries logic

// **** Pivot-points and stop-loss logic **** {
piv_high = ta.pivothigh(high, 1, 1)
piv_low = ta.pivotlow(low, 1, 1)
var float stoploss_long = low
var float stoploss_short = high

pl = ta.valuewhen(piv_low, piv_low, 0)
ph = ta.valuewhen(piv_high, piv_high, 0)

if GoLong
    stoploss_long := low < pl ? low : pl
if GoShort
    stoploss_short := high > ph ? high : ph
// } End of Pivot-points and stop-loss logic

strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when=GoLong)
strategy.exit('XPartLong', from_entry='Long', qty_percent=50, profit=TakePartialProfitDistance)
strategy.exit('XLong', from_entry='Long', stop=stoploss_long, profit=TakeProfitDistance)
strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short, when=GoShort)
strategy.exit('XPartShort', from_entry='Short', qty_percent=50, profit=TakePartialProfitDistance)
strategy.exit('XShort', from_entry='Short', stop=stoploss_short, profit=TakeProfitDistance)

if GoLong
    alertsyntax_golong = 'long slprice=' + str.tostring(stoploss_long) + ' tp1=' + str.tostring(TakePartialProfitDistance) + ' part1=0.5 tp=' + str.tostring(TakeProfitDistance)
    alert(message=alertsyntax_golong, freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if GoShort
    alertsyntax_goshort = 'short slprice=' + str.tostring(stoploss_short) + ' tp1=' + str.tostring(TakePartialProfitDistance) + ' part1=0.5 tp=' + str.tostring(TakeProfitDistance)
    alert(message=alertsyntax_goshort, freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if GoLong
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if GoShort
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)

