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Yes, 27 Year Olds Think About Retirement Too

Yes, 27 Year Olds Think About Retirement Too

FromRetirement Answer Man

Yes, 27 Year Olds Think About Retirement Too

FromRetirement Answer Man

40 minutes
May 17, 2015
Podcast episode


"The younger generation is ruining this country!" This was said about the baby boomers. Now it's said about the millennials. The fact is, each new generation brings a fresh perspective that helps our society and country renew itself. Recently I spoke with a "millennial" who, like you and I did, is working to raise a family and save for the future. 
Want to Learn How to Draw From Your Savings During Retirement?
I'll show you the system I use with clients during a free webinar on May 26th at 2:00 pm CST. 
A free replay will be available to all that register.
CLICK HERE to register
Favorite Quote
"My goal is to get compound interest on my side as quickly as possible."
Lessons Learned From Jordan's Journey

Millennials are rejecting debt and working hard
There's a big difference between being frugal and cheap. 
It's important not to rush into big purchases. 
How important it is for couples to walk together as they manage their finances.

About Jordan

27 years old
Married, one child and one on the way
Very cheap or frugal
School teacher
Loves working with kids

What Does Retirement Means to You?  
The idea if being a millionaire really struck me
That idea of being wealthy sounds good
The idea of traveling a lot is wonderful
What Are You Most Excited About Retirement?
What Are You Most Worried About Retirement?
Health, obviously
I think my biggest worry right now is will I have enough money. I think that’s what drives me to save.
The other thing that scares me….is the idea of inflation. What inflation will be like in 30, 40, 50 years.
My goal is to get compound interest on my side as quickly as possible.
How Do You Think You’re Doing?
“Based on where most people are, I’d give myself an A”
Do You Use a Financial Planner?
“I do but probably not as well as I should.”
What has Been Your Worst Financial Mistake?
Being cheap rather than frugal when buying their home.
What Do You Struggle With When Managing Your Finance?
She (my wife) just wishes we could spend a little more money and I ‘m just more on the frugal side.
…I wish I was a little bit less frugal, but then again I wouldn’t be in the situation I’m in now.”
What Resources Have Had the Most Impact on Your Life?
Dave Ramsey
Rick Edelman Podcast
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
The most important thing to me is to be a good father and husband
May 17, 2015
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A top retirement podcast. Roger Whitney, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA, AIF® guides you on how to actually do retirement well financially and personally. This retirement podcast isn't afraid to talk about the softer side of retirement. It will teach you how to retire with confidence. Two-time PLUTUS winner for best retirement podcast / blog and the 2019 winner for best financial planner blog. This retirement podcast covers how to create a paycheck, medicare, healthcare, Social Security, tax management in retirement as well as retirement travel and other non-financial issues you'll need to address to rock retirement. Retirement isn’t an age OR a financial number. It’s finding that balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement. It’s about gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want. Join the rock retirement community at