Fortean Times

It Happened to Me…


Cloak of foreboding

My relationship with the girl I met while I was at Aberdeen University from 1992 to 1995 ended and she moved to Norway, but we stayed in touch and would meet up when neither of us were seeing anyone else. Several years ago she got breast cancer, so we began communicating on skype on a Friday evening, at first sporadically but then weekly and for hours at a time. We were very close. This lasted for a year until the Christmas holiday. We had made tentative plans for her to come over to Scotland to stay in January so we could catch up and she could see her friends. We agreed to chat after Christmas and I went to stay back at the family home for the holiday.

Around Boxing Day, I felt what can only be described as a heavy black cloak settle down on my shoulders. This carried on for few days until I had gone to bed on Hogmanay. During the night I woke to hear myself shouting loudly and turned round to see the black “cloak”, now a dark mist, leaving me and the house. I returned home a few days later to find a message from her friend to say that she had been taken to hospital after Christmas and had passed away on Hogmanay. I am convinced that this was part of her soul finding me but that it was a

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