Highway Designation File
Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority
6.021 | 2010 |
Minute Order 023776, dated 09/09/1947, Adm. Cir., 037-1947
From US 77 and 83, approximately 2.0 miles southeast of San Benito, southwestward to a paved road, a distance of approximately 1.5 miles and thence from US 77 and 83 approximately 1.5 miles southeast of San Benito, northeastward to a paved road, a distance of approximately 2.0 miles. (Cameron County) New Designation.
From US 77 and 83 approximately 2.0 miles southeast of San Benito, southwestward to La Paloma, a distance of approximately 6.3 miles, and from US 77 and 83, approximately 1.5 miles southeast of San Benito, northeastward 2.0 miles to a paved road, a distance of approximately 8.3 miles. (Cameron County) Extended to La Paloma (4.8 miles).
From US 281 at La Paloma northeastward to US 83 southeast of San Benito eastward to FM 1847, a distance of approximately 15.8 miles. (Cameron County) Extended eastward approximately 7.9 miles to FM 1847.
From US 281 at La Paloma northeastward to US 83 southeast of San Benito, a distance of approximately 6.0 miles. (Cameron County) Section from US 83 southeast of San Benito eastward to FM 1847 canceled and combined with FM 510, a decrease of approximately 9.6 miles.
From US 281 at La Paloma, northeastward to US 77 southeast of San Benito, a distance of approx. 6.0 miles. (Cameron County) Eastern terminus redescribed due to relocation of US 83.
From US 281 at La Paloma, northeastward to FM 510 east of San Benito, a distance of approx. 6.0 miles. (Cameron County) (New Description) At district’s request, segment of FM 510 redesignated on state highway system as FM 732, from the intersection of BU 77-X to Iowa Gardens, a distance of approximately 0.3 mile. (Modification made by Minute Order 109853, dated 12/16/2004). At district’s request, segment of former location of FM 732 redesignated on state highway system as FM 1577, from intersection of FM 1577 to 0.3 mile east of intersection of FM 1577, a distance of approximately 0.3 mile; segment of FM 510 redesignated as FM 732; FM 732 designated along new location, from Iowa Gardens eastward, approximately 2.6 miles, to former segment of FM 732, approximately 0.5 mile east of intersection of FM 1577; segment of former location of FM 732 removed from state highway system, from intersection of US 77 to intersection of FM 1577 and returned to Cameron County for control, jurisdiction, and maintenance, a distance of approximately 1.3 miles; segment of former location of FM 732 removed from state highway system, from intersection of FM 1577 to approximately 0.3 mile east of intersection of FM 1577, and returned to county for control, jurisdiction, and maintenance, a distance of approximately 0.3 mile; segment of former location of FM 732 removed from state highway system, from approximately 0.3 mile east of intersection of FM 1577 to approximately 0.5 mile east of intersection of FM 1577 and obliterated, a distance of approximately 0.2 mile.
Minute Order 112683, dated 04/30/11; DesLtr 2-2011, dated 1/5/2012
From US 281 in La Paloma, northeastward to the BU 77-X and FM 510 junction in San Benito. (Cameron County) Description Amended. Minute Orders 109918 and 109919 were amended to correct the descriptions detailing the limits of the designation of FM 732 on a new location, the redesignation of FM 732 as FM 1577, the designation of FM 1577 on a new location; the removal of the obliterated portion of the old FM 732 alignment; and to rescind the removal of a portion of FM 732 from FM 1577 eastward approximately 0.3 mile.