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2015/12/09 20:03:41
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 3.1K - Finished
Lord of the Fleet
I'm going to be running the Damocles campaign this year so I need an Imperial Knight army!
Now with household infantry
Updates will be in the latest post and in the OP.
Some previous projects:
Imperial Guard
Raven Guard
Inquisition & Grey Knights
Terrain and Boards
Knight 1 - Warden - ABC + TG
Knight 2 - Crusader - RBC+AGC
Knight 3 - Errant - TC + TG
Knight 4 - Paladin - TBC + RC
Knight 5 - Gallant
Command Squad
Squad #1
Squad #2
Squad #3
This message was edited 38 times. Last update was at 2017/06/24 21:15:13
2016/01/05 14:00:30
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Lord of the Fleet
Knight 2
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/01/06 12:23:53
2016/01/05 16:51:37
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver
I'll be honest, I squealed with excitement when I saw those five boxes of Knights piled up on top of one another. What an undertaking!
After having a glance at your previous projects, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this one pans out!
As a very cheeky PS, could you PM me if you have a spare Avenger Gatling Cannon that you'd be willing to sell? I have a scratch-built Stompa that's in dire need of some more dakka!
2016/01/05 17:23:06
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Pious Palatine
5 Knights is very rock and roll. I'll be keeping on eye on this.
2016/01/05 17:46:07
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Lord of the Fleet
Thanks guys!
Knight 1
2016/01/05 18:14:32
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot
Great start! Can't wait to see them progress. I like the pose as well. Very dynamic!
2016/01/06 12:24:45
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K
Lord of the Fleet
Thanks! Got to do what you can with the monopose legs. (very annoying - it would have been fairly easy for them to give the model ankle mobility and trivial to give it limited hip mobilitiy)
Knight 5
Automatically Appended Next Post: Knight 3
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/01/06 17:12:04
2016/01/07 11:00:58
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K - Assembly Complete
Lord of the Fleet
Knight 4
2016/02/07 01:08:43
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K - Assembly Complete
Lord of the Fleet
2016/02/08 23:43:07
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K - 2/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
2016/02/13 11:48:38
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K - 2/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
3rd knight painted
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/02/13 11:48:54
2016/02/13 14:16:20
Subject: Imperial Knights - 2K - 3/5 painted
Pious Palatine
Cool. I like the grey scheme.
2016/02/16 18:11:33
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
I've decided to add some household infantry:
Starting with the command squad:
2016/02/17 08:27:33
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot
Looks great!
2016/02/17 16:53:03
Subject: Re:Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Death-Dealing Devastator
By the power of Greyskull!
"We are the Red Sorcerers of Prospero, damned in the eyes of our fellows, and this is to be how our story ends, in betrayal and bloodshed. may find it nobler to suffer your fate, but I will take arms against it." |
2016/02/18 18:25:50
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
Thanks guys!
2016/02/19 16:19:39
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
Another Taurox
2016/02/19 17:16:14
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker
Arr you going to paint the Taurox and infantry the same colors as the knight?
And did you magnetize the knight? There was a good tip in the white dwarf that showed how you can give them mobility at the hip very easily
Keep up the good work! Will be following this. Just a bit jealous of the 5 knights
2016/02/19 18:06:31
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 3/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
Yep, the vehicles and infantry will be matching the knights. I picked the stormtroopers and taurox because they have those same sort-of fleur-de-lys armour trims as the knights.
The only magnetising I've done on the knights is the shoulder attachment (rotating to fit limited the pose of the weapons).
2016/02/21 00:05:59
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 4/5 painted
Lord of the Fleet
Another Knight painted
and a close-up of the texturing on the flat surfaces:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/02/21 14:56:30
2016/02/21 00:19:54
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - 4/5 painted
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant
This is a great project Using the Scions as household troops is a really original idea. The army is gonna look great all together.
2016/03/12 18:10:18
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Lord of the Fleet
Things have been on hold due to moving but things are now progressing again.
3rd Taurox
Final Knight
Quick group shot (better pics to follow when everything's done)
2016/03/13 08:42:38
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker
Great work! Whats your opinion on the taurox? I myself am not too fond of the weapons on top and the wheel/tracks.
2016/03/13 09:07:35
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Pious Palatine
Impressive collection of Knights! Great to see!
2016/03/13 09:43:42
Subject: Re:Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Impressive work, getting all those knights done. I'm still working on my first knight, that I got for Christmas.
2016/03/13 10:23:55
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Lord of the Fleet
Kjellk wrote:Great work! Whats your opinion on the taurox? I myself am not too fond of the weapons on top and the wheel/tracks.
I was planning to replace the tracks with a wheel conversion (and bought them) but the track units have the largest sort-of-fleur- de-lys symbols that tie them to the knights so I ended up keeping the track units. I don't mind the turret but the weapons mounted on the rear fenders are ridiculous and the enormous missile launcher that fires regular krak missiles is just nuts.
evildrcheese wrote:Impressive collection of Knights! Great to see!
hk1x1 wrote:Impressive work, getting all those knights done. I'm still working on my first knight, that I got for Christmas.
Thanks! Automatically Appended Next Post: Last Taurox
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/13 17:25:41
2016/03/19 17:41:09
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted - all household troops assembled
Lord of the Fleet
2016/03/21 09:32:34
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted - all household troops assembled
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker
They look very nice, can you make a scale shot with a taurox and a knight maybe?
2016/03/22 09:01:54
Subject: Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Lord of the Fleet
Sure, I'll take one this evening.
First infantry squad painted.
2016/03/22 15:09:54
Subject: Re:Imperial Knights & Household Infantry - 2.6K - All knights painted
Cog in the Machine
that grey is very nice.
love the texturing on the shoulders - great idea.
keep it up