B/W. Woman on right hand side hold two type bars, one in each hand; in front of an IBM 1443 Flying Type Bar Printer. Printer covers are open and fan fold paper is visible within the printer. curtain/drapes in background. Verso: "#1416" in dark black pencil, sideways at center, left edge. ballpoint ink, sideways, center, right edge. "IBM 1311 DISK DRIVE" in black ballpoint ink, bottom, left, edge, sideways. Yellow bar, 6 1/2 x 1/2 inch, towards lower edge, probably adhesive residue. [8/29/2005 JJL]
Public Relations Photo Service
Identifying Numbers
Other number
# 1416
8 x 10 in.
Photographic print
Identification photograph; Publicity photograph
Computer industry--History; Computers--History; Electronic data processing--History