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Tyler Breeze is using Twitter to voice his unhappiness in WWE

Geno Mrosko is a lifelong pro wrestling fan who has been covering it since becoming a Manager at Cageside Seats in 2011.

Twitter is a great place for pro wrestlers because they can say whatever they want and it may or may not be part of an angle, or they may or may not be trying to work up some sort of angle that will draw enough interest to lead to some business. Sometimes it works out!

There are, of course, also times they aren’t working an angle but rather speaking from the heart on an issue they feel passionately about. If they aren’t entirely clear, you take from it what you will.

The latest:

Could mean a lot of different things but he knows exactly how the people reading it are going to take it.

But also jokes:

To this:

There certainly don’t seem to be any plans for him with WWE, and perhaps that could lead to his requesting a release and hitting the indie scene like others have done before him. Or maybe he just goes on Twitter and complains/cracks jokes about.

Just another day in the wrestling world.

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