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Ariadne Pfad:


Barblan, Andris (Red.); Fayant, Catherine (Red.); Clausen, Thierry (Ill.)

Salamanca Convention 2001.

The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area.

h t t p s : / / e u a . e u / d o w n l o a d s / p u b l i c a t i o n s / s a l a m a n c a % 2 0 c o n v e n t i o n % 2 0 2 0 0 1 % 2 0 % 2 0 t h e % 2 0 b o l o g n a % 2 0 p r o c e s s % 2 0 a n d % 2 0 t h e % 2 0 e u r o p e a n % 2 0 h i g h e r % 2 0 e d u c a t i o n % 2 0 a r e a % 2 0 e n % 2 0 f r % 2 0 d e % 2 0 e s . p d fExterner Link

The European University Association was created by the merger of two existing organisations at its first Convention in Salamanca, Spain in 2001. The Convention produced the Salamanca Declaration which defined the values of EUA and the direction of the work the Association would undertake in its first years. Over 300 European higher education institutions and their main representative organisations gathered in Salamanca and reaffirmed their support to the principles of the Bologna Declaration and their commitment to the creation of the European Higher Education Area by the end of the decade. (DIPF/Orig./gs).


Bildungspolitik, Erklärung, Bologna-Prozess, Hochschulpolitik, Europa,

Quelle Genf: EUA Genève (2001), 64 S., URL des Volltextes:
Reihe Thema
Sprache deutsch; englisch; französisch; spanisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie

Thematischer Kontext

  1. Dokumente zur Gestaltung des EHEA

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