The Problem:
The objective of this project is to create a magazine cover that appealed to a specific target audience. 

The Solution:
My magazine focused on science and technology enthusiasts, mostly people over the age of 18, either students or professionals.
The main competitors in of my magazine are Popular Science magazine and Popular Mechanics magazine. The problem with these magazines is that their covers are too cluttered with words and pictures along with the multiple colors and fonts for their text. For both these reasons, those magazine covers are a sensory overload to the reader and make it hard to glance over them to check out the topics included in the magazine.

The Result:
My magazine only utilizes two pictures and two colors. The titles and subtext are of a simple and easy to read font. The cover is somewhat minimalistic in those senses and make it easy for the reader to understand what is included in the magazine at a glance.

Magazine Cover

Magazine Cover

Cover created for an imaginary magazine that targets science and technology enthusiasts. Created on Adobe Photoshop
