LEKTROLUV RECORDS // GND RECORDS After surfacing from the Liège metal basin in the early nineties, Mr. Magnetik never lost that peculiar metallic quality: attraction.He loves ears as much as eyes, and is most of all a multifaceted person: as much a talented dj and producer as a genius graphic designer. Wearing both these hats is what propelled Mr. Magnetik (whose real name is Chris Vermiglio) into the hottest layers of the underground furnace of the electronic music factory. His last album "Body to Body" was voted January Album of the Month in Mixmag Magazine in 2017. Half Dance Floor Ninja , half Music Alchemist entertaining gallery & crowds... Playing at the best parties & on the bill of the biggest Belgian events ( Dour Festival, Les Ardentes /TransArdentes, Laundry Day, Summer Festival, Fuse, Petrol,10 days off, Beats of