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Best of 2021
Robbie Rivera, Gerardo Varela, PAUZA, Joan Cases, 68 Beats, Tommy Capretto, djdiverOSB, Dor Dekel, Mark Boson, Patrick M, Dero, C.F.S Beat, Tuff Klub, Jordan Kaahn, Ron Carroll, Lohrasp Kansara, R Rivera Grooves, Discoplex, Mark Picchiotti, Raflo, Jaksan, Norii, VEATZ, Val Verra, Rosenhaft, The Rivera Project, DJ Dero, Alonso, Luke Nash, Morsense, Abel Di Catarina, DAN:ROS, Laura Vane, KB City, Double B, Jeremy Bass, Epicsamu, Alexander Zabbi, Juan Cuadros, Mila, Cheyne Christian, Nes Mburu, The Cube Guys, Gold 88, Loris Buono, Diego Antoine, Saliva Commandos, Chris Schambacher, DJ Dove, Mike Ivy, Lenny M, Or3x, Pia Paez, All Fred, Heydi Garcia, Chris Albert, Stilo Mancia, Chris Valencia, David Novacek, Mairee, Mijangos
Best of 2021
Robbie Rivera, Gerardo Varela, PAUZA, The Melody Men, Joan Cases, 68 Beats, Tommy Capretto, djdiverOSB, Dor Dekel, Mark Boson, Patrick M, Dero, C.F.S. Beat, Jordan Kaahn, Ron Carroll, Lohrasp Kansara, R Rivera Grooves, Discoplex, Raflo, Rikette, Moony, Jaksan, Norii, VEATZ, Val Verra, Rosenhaft, The Rivera Project, Alonso, Luke Nash, Morsense, Abel Di Catarina, Laura Vane, KB City, Double B, Epicsamu, Alexander Zabbi, Juan Cuadros, Mila, Cheyne Christian, Nes Mburu, The Cube Guys, Loris Buono, Diego Antoine, Chris Schambacher, DJ Dove, Mike Ivy, Lenny M, Or3x, Pia Paez, Jaba, Jeremy Bass, All Fred, Heydi Garcia, Chris Albert, Stilo Mancia, David Novacek, Mairee, Georgia Train
Barcelona 2021
Lexlay, Yautja, Yosmer Davis, kofla, Scruby, Aron Chiarella, SYPRESS, Antonio Rec, Tyler Coey, HÜGGØ, LouLou Players, Pimpo Gama, Coca District, Bipolar Mind, William Deep, Lorhen, Javitoh, Morsense, Jorge Hurtado, MITA (BR), Eric Olliver, TLGC, Shitake, K-Mack, Mitch, Rov, Giancarlo Zara, Alfrenk, Massi ISX, TolinchiLove, The Sahoo Conection, Luis Pergo, GAGH, Oravla Ziur, Marco Tuccillo, Kristofferson, Gabriele Toma, VDH, NICK BENNETT, SamSilva, WilHvlm, Daddato, Marcel Dope, Claudio L
Which Bottle?: Radio Box, Vol. 19
No Hopes, DiscoVer., Lizzie Curious, Scotty Boy, Adriano Pepe, Hever Jara, Dian Solo, DJ Vartan, Techcrasher, Paul Parsons, Alonso, Luke Nash, Morsense, Maurizio Basilotta, Malina, Deeprule, Andy Shade, Maickel Telussa, Freshcobar, Dani Masi, Santos Garcia, Ropas, Lavelle Dupree, Aaron Kiasso, Andrew Storm, Juan Cuadros, Lykov
Which Bottle?: WINTER CLUB BOX 2021
Maurizio Basilotta, DiscoVer., Serge Armon, Juan Cuadros, Martina Budde, Maickel Telussa, Dani Masi, Soulvation, XOTTO, Da Funk Junkies, Zahide Gray, Luke Nash, Maximilian, Propulsive, REDEEM, Maicol Marsella, Tessel, LegatusX, Alex O'Neill, Yescene, Yvette Lindquist, Carmen Gonzalez, Alonso, Morsense, Luca Debonaire
Which Bottle?: Radio Box, Vol. 18
Maurizio Basilotta, DiscoVer., Dani Masi, Juan Cuadros, Da Funk Junkies, LegatusX, Luca Debonaire, DJ Vartan, Techcrasher, Zahide Gray, XOTTO, Soulvation, Luke Nash, Serge Armon, Yescene, Yvette Lindquist, Carmen Gonzalez, Adam Clay, Sandro Murru, Joe Berte', Martina Budde, Lykov, Stereotypes, Andyrave, Alonso, Morsense, Lavelle Dupree, Freshcobar
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