Latest Releases
New Italo Disco: Reloaded Hits & New Songs
Marc Reason, Casandra, Lola Lee, Den Harrow, Spagna, Ice & Cream, Mossy, Thomas Scheffler, Rachel Montiel, Lian Ross, Chris Excess, Savage, Scotty, Clamore Project, I Santo California, Successo, Frank Naples, Deadstar, DJ Saphire Project, Leemar Project, DJ Ti-S, Jeff Ryan, Francesco Napoli, Miguel & Chris, Hot Steppaz, Silver Pozzoli, Jason Parker, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Sammy Love, Angelyna, McAce, K., Kelly G., Ross Alexander, Oldschool Boys, Part Of The Art, Josie Rosa, TbO & Vega
DJs Remix Battle: Only the Best Will Win
Red 5, Linda Clifford, Housemaxx, Marc Mounier, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Sirkhan, Walter Native, Tosch, Christina, Naxwell, Pit Bailay, K.K. Project, Elaine Winter, Alex, TbO & Vega, Pronto, Kalagan, Mister Fizz, Bootleggers Int., Lexine, Jason Parker, Selda, Moomicoo, Wayne Porter, Suiza, Bess Wright, Empir3, DJ Schwede, DJ Worris, Mike Van Doorn, Bootleggers International, Soylent Green, Markus D'Ambrosi, Marga Gonzales, Leomeo, PhatNoize, Manu, Deadstar, Rheingold, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Damon Paul, Simmons, Fio, Alicia, Scotty
Best of Main Hall Sounds 2016
Baby Alice, Nathalie Vanessa, Coca Dillaz, Addie, Jon Thomas, Mash-d, Jake Jones, Stacia x Wunderwald, Mardahl, Daxsen, Dimitry Swank, Canyonero, Emiliano Chellini, Rinaldo, Ian Bpm, Juan Vargas, 'N Beautiful Company, Doggy Shake, DJ Ti-S, Staz, John Cunningham, Dry & Kiilo, The House Time, Renzo Grilli
Oh Ja! Ausgabe 2
Stacia x Wunderwald, Fre3 Fly, Coca Dillaz, Addie, Javy Grazze, Ismael Dorado, Jon Thomas, Mardahl, Anneli Heed, Emiliano Chellini, Rinaldo, Luca J. Marguerite, Cail Baroni, Magressic, Franco van Stone, Rachel Grey, Jake Jones, Mash-d, Toolbox, Abrox, Nathalie Vanessa, Hookie Mousse, Stonie Ol'G, Bianchin, Baby Alice, Dj Sonus, Jon Thomas Project, 'N Beautiful Company, Lorne Chance, Meafix, Stonie Ol G, Metthouse Project
Fitness 2013
Kim Leoni, Vin Deicer, Dj Imprezive, Purple Punkz, Tosch, Nigel Hard, Primacy, Secret Wish, Nova, Global Defence, Hannover House Mafia, DJ Hyo, Javid Senerano, Jay Outback, Brisby, Jingles, Crew 7, Claudio Viti, Frankie D, Ray Burnz, DJ Venom, Club Pimps, Davie Terry, Sun Kidz, Amanda, Pit Bailay, Marc Slate, Prolosapien, Lexxxi, Theo Beck, Million Faces, Mykel Mars, System B, Chompi, Crazy Z, Danny Bee, U-can, Ron Ravolta, J T Project, Mike McPower, Polarbear, Auxotrophy, Danky Cigale Project, Edun, Oscar Salguero, Clubhunter, Frozen Skies, Yana Vetrova, Skaei, G Clubber, Roxor, Vibetunez, Bass Up!, Scarf
Festival Anthems 2k14 ( Su Presents the Best in Edm Music )
Damon Paul, Forza Beatz, Rockstarzz, Tosch, PhatNoize, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Simon Harris, Semitoo, Michael Blaya, Damion Davies, Stereo Identity, Sammy Love, Dj Ferre, Tony Scott, House Sound of Chicago, Anthony Simons, Anna Berardi, The Bombers, Botoxx, Tom Belmond, Groovebirds, DJ Ti-S, Hannah Brown, Miguel & Chris, Vortecs, Dylan, Mike Ayden, Discotronix, Neon, DJ Sanny J, Ice M C, Alicia, Edlington, Naxwell, Frozen Skies, Jason Parker, Jay Outback, Marc Reason, Nigel, Mr.doll, Pit Bailay, The Shrink Reloaded, Monty Wells, Victor Milas, Sirkhan, Walter Native
Dance Top 100 Europe
Botoxx, Tom Belmond, Groovebirds, Alicia, Charlie Vallely, Terri B., Vortecs, DJ Ti-S, Natalie Grant, Chris Excess, Anthony Simons, Anna Berardi, Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Neon, DJ Sanny J, Ice M C, Sammy Love, Dj Ferre, Frozen Skies, Mark Engels, Manu, Deadstar, Discotronix, DJ Backslash, J T Project, Johnny Catch, DJ Diavolo, Dj Guila, Aerotrancer, DJ Logo, DJ Saphire Project, Edlington, Naxwell, Yana Vetrova, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Stephen Pickup, Female In2ition, Giselle, Hannover House Mafia, Linda Clifford, Housemaxx, Marc Reason, Ron Ravolta, Jason Creator, Renny Mc Lean, Staz, Jason Parker, Jay Outback, Pit Bailay, Tosch, John Done Syndicate, Latin Disco Rockerz, Global Disco Rockerz Feat. Carlos Chavez, Leemar Project, Michael Fall, The Sunseekers, Chris, Miguel, The Booty Jocks, Dylan, Mike Ayden, Nigel, Mr.doll, Flash Brothers, Nick Austin, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, North House Alliance, Miss T., Oldschool Boys, Polarbear, Polis & Les Helliniques, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Taymar, Randy Jones, Red 5, Rheingold, Prime Time, Christina, Sirkhan, Walter Native, Omar, Rick X, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Run & Way, Sapphire, Secret Wish, Scotty, Speedmaster Project, Part Of The Art, Simmons, The Shrink Reloaded, Pryme, La Fleur [DE], Tranceless D., Right Said Fred, Trio-jet, Swintee, Wendy Rivers, Winman, Zoe, Jay Jacob, Stereo Fiction, Lola Lee, Eroc, Dirty Ztylerz, Stay-C, Communication
Handsup Party Rock Anthems
Candy Shop, Alex Noise, Edlington, Naxwell, DJ Rosso, Hype Intro, The Quickhitters, Jumproxx, Tosch, Cazintel, Wendy Rivers, Head & Phone, Vida, Assimille, Marco Martinez, Nigel, Mr.doll, Agent Juno, Miami Thrift Shop, DJ Absinth Project, Mykel Mars, Milkbar Rockers, Clubhunter, Bikini Sounds, Frozen Skies, Yana Vetrova, Crew 7, Knightclub, Prolosapien, Lexxxi, Waxwell, Jacinta, Rene Ablaze, Jay Outback, Epic Beat, U-can, Deejays United, Nigel Hard, Discoduck, Klubbheroes, Lucamino, Central Seven, Clarity Of Sound
Love & Love - Handsup Fever
2 Tracks, Global Defence, Shilton, Vin Deicer, DJ Hyo, Prolosapien, Lexxxi, Commercial Club Crew, Crew 7, Stars ´n´stripes, Blister, 2 Brothers On The 1st. Floor, Jet Set, Mabra, Pain, K. Laurent, Tron, Enerdizer, Nightfall, D Tune, Kim Leoni, Central Seven, Scarf, Mike Rules, Discoduck, Sun Kidz, Amanda, Nigel Hard, J & V, Deejays United, U-can, Jay Outback, California Loverz, Nglobe, Secret Wish, Pit Bailay, Tosch, Mykel Mars, Nothing But The Beat, Mike McPower, Visioneight, X-Stylez, Two-m, B Van E, Thomas Pryce, Isabel Soares, Dj Imprezive, Purple Punkz, Dave Gate, Nova Scotia, Alecia Karr, Prockers, DJ Kludu, Jack Morado, DJ Venom, Wendy Rivers, DJ Rosso, Nasty Uk Chicks, The Booty Jocks, Die Republik, Flek, Biraytrax, Hotel Stereo, Bobby Escobar, Jean Marceau, Blue Liquid, Let It Go, Vandice, X-beats, Wooferman, Absinthmix, Tweecq, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Maxx Mosi, Gyulia
Best Club Sounds United
Trilogy, Sirkhan, Walter Native, Alicia, Terri B!, Charlie Vallely, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, DJ Diavolo, Neon, DJ Sanny J, Ice M C, DJ Saphire Project, Female In2ition, Frozen Skies, Yana Vetrova, Giselle, Tosch, Christina, Aerotrancer, Lori Glori, Global Disco Rockerz, Hannover House Mafia, Housemaxx, DD2, Rudy MC, Michael Fall, The Sunseekers, Ron Ravolta, J T Project, Jay Outback, Flash Brothers, Latin Disco Rockerz, The Booty Jocks, Marc Reason, Chris, Miguel, Nick Austin, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, Pit Bailay, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Red 5, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Salento Boys, Experience Of Music, Michael K., Sapphire, Taymar, Right Said Fred, Trio-jet, Discotronix, Oldschool Boys, Polis, Les Helleniques, John Done Syndicate, Zoe, Dirty Ztylerz, Stay-C, Simmons, Fio, Tranceless D., Part Of The Art, Deadstar, Wendy Rivers, Polarbear, Eroc
Remixing Dj Rebels 2
Ron Ravolta, J T Project, John Done Syndicate, Experience Of Music, Michael K., Taymar, Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Alicia, Frozen Skies, Yana Vetrova, Tosch, Oldschool Boys, Polarbear, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Terri B!, Charlie Vallely, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Los Tiburones, DJ Sanny J, Walter Native, Jay Jacob, Jay Outback, DJ Saphire Project, Marc Reason, Deadstar
Bigroom 2012
Alicia, Tosch, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Frozen Skies, Yana Vetrova, Los Tiburones, DJ Sanny J, Terri B!, Charlie Vallely, Walter Native, Jay Jacob, DJ Saphire Project, Polarbear, Experience Of Music, Michael K., Flash Brothers, Taymar, Giselle, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Marc Reason, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, Oldschool Boys, Hannover House Mafia, Tranceless D., Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Aerotrancer, Deadstar
Summer Drive
Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Los Tiburones, DJ Sanny J, DJ Saphire Project, Taymar, Oldschool Boys, Marc Reason, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Tosch, Giselle, Hannover House Mafia, Aerotrancer, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, Ragga Soldiers, Ras Abraham, Eroc, Alicia, Walter Native, Jay Jacob
Fuck Ibiza
Alicia, Marc Reason, Taymar, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Damon Paul, Walter Native, Jay Jacob, DJ Diavolo, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Afrojack, The Partysquad, Hannover House Mafia, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, Neon, DJ Sanny J, Ice M C, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Ragga Soldiers, Ras Abraham, Polis, Les Helleniques, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Global Disco Rockerz, Carlos Chavez, Tosch, Linda Clifford, Housemaxx, Zoe, Communication, Dirty Ztylerz, Stay-C, Female In2ition
Aerobic And Fitness For Clubbers
Adam, Hayford, Carol Jiani, Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Hannover House Mafia, Chynna, Disco Deejays, Housemaxx, DD2, Rudy MC, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Evelyn Thomas, Glorious Boys, Jay Jay, Rachel Wood, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Latin Disco Rockerz, Female In2ition, Marc Reason, Polis, Les Helleniques, The Booty Jocks, DJ Easy, Ritmo 69, Experience Of Music, Michael K., Sharon Dexter, Swintee, Taymar, Tosch, Christina, Trilogy, Sirkhan, Walter Native, Winman, Speedmaster Project
Clubbin´ Now !
Trilogy, Chris Rockford, DJ CrEdo, The Phat Mack, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Marc Reason, Lori Glori, Global Disco Rockerz, Taymar, Pulsemaster DJ Team, Mike Van Doorn, Neon, DJ Sanny J, Ice M C, Experience Of Music, Michael K., Damon Paul, Patricia Banks, Tosch, Giselle, Nogales, Matthew Tasa, Alicia, Deadstar, Sirkhan, Walter Native, Dirty Ztylerz, Stay-C, Simmons, The Shrink Reloaded, Pryme, Female In2ition
Best Of Deep House 2012
Marco Bocatto, Clemens Rumpf, David A. Tobin, Jesus Dominguez, Plusculaar, Michael Ballus, Fuseboxers, Taste Of Honey, Fra N Kie, Bifman, Barbara Tucker, Don Oliver, The Breakers, Sven Scott, Newton B, Varen, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Mikalogic, Goose Bumps, The Sura Quintet, G.Odys, Solanos, Nudisco, Weewtam, Psytox, Deep Unit, Don Uli, Paul Vanst, Aren Suarez, Kai Urig, Artful Di, Danma Project, Vincent Rohr, Lola Palmer, Amanda, Dee Costa, Eduardo Martins, Gantcho, Jay Outback, Ron Ravolta, Deep F.m., Quadral Mind, Rober Puentes, Shakes, Club Camarillo, Serdar Ors, Alexserra, Grandmoms Hands, Knobs, Wires, Ron Ractive, Roma Alkhimov, The Sun Warrios, DJ Denys, Vincenzo de Robertis, Festina Lente, Tobias Köppel, Kneon, Joseph Daniel