Max V.

DJ Max V. biography Massimo Vanoni , aka DJ Max V. (Absolution, HIRA, JV Project, Sensoryah) was born in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (Mn) Italy , 17 June 1996, at the age of 14 years bursts his passion for music and dance clubs. In 1983 he began his career as a DJ at the club “Mirabelle” , historical local in Asola (Mantova) , in that local learns, explores, refines, enhances his natural gifts of entertainer behind the consolle . In 1990 he on the radio as a conductor with the program "DJ Music" to "Rete Radio Azzurra" , owned by Paolo Nolli , unforgotten volleyball died tragically in 1998 . Through the radio reaches a certain notoriety and this allows him to be a leader on the console of

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