CardCaptors Website Updated
posted on, the official US Cardcaptors website, has been updated. (Flash 4.0 is needed to view the website. You can find a link to the Flash plugin on the webpage)
In this update, Nelvana has reworked nearly everything on the site, from character information to the episode guide!
The FAQ now includes three additional questions, including "Cardcaptors begins with Episode 8 of the original Japanese series. Will you be airing the first seven episodes?", and "Are there any plans for a Cardcaptors Movie?".
In addition, a contest is in the works; registered users can apply for a chance to win an authentic Card Captor Sakura Clow Book, direct from Japan!
This morning, some previously registered users of the Cardcaptors website recieved a small video clip of a portion of "Kero's Corner", the bonus costume-profiling clip by Keroberos at the end of each Card Captor Sakura episode.