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The implementation of e-government is a burgeoning phenomenon across the globe. It improves and enhances the infrastructures and services provided to the citizens. However, a review of the IS literature reveals that research on the... more
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      Organizational LearningSouth KoreaStakeholdersPublic sector
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      EducationProject ManagementGovernanceProcurement
Implementation of E-government Military Institutions This research has developed a comprehensive literature review for the regarding the research topic. This literature review contained theoretical framework that included the underpinning... more
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      YemenMilitaryeGovernmenteGovernment, IT
The developing of the Open Government Model is allowing an organizational revolution for public administrations, providing to citizens and entrepreneurs a better access to information and public services. It also can allow the increasing... more
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      E-GovernmenteGovernmentThe Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Achieving Sustainable Socio-Economic Development (e-Commerce, e-Business & e-Government)
Diseño y ejecución de proyectos de simplificación administrativa. Experiencias desde la práctica profesional. Simplificación administrativa como paso previo a la administración electrónica y las iniciativas de calidad en la... more
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      eGovernmentPublic Sector ReformPublic Service ManagementIT Consulting
ImproveMyCity is an open source platform that enables residents to directly report to their public administration local issues about their neighborhood such as discarded trash bins, faulty street lights, broken tiles on sidewalks, illegal... more
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    • eGovernment
A közigazgatás megújításának elengedhetetlen feltétele a közigazgatásban kezelt adatháttér szabályozása, az adatok megbízhatóságának emelése és a hozzáférési kulcsok biztosítása. Szükséges a közigazgatási felelősségi körök kijelölése és... more
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      Public AdministrationeGovernmentInteroperabilityInformation Systems Interoperability
Az informatikai felhő (cloud) a már létező technológiák, szolgáltatások és értékesítési modellek újszerű kombinációja, amely az állampolgárok, vállalkozások és a közigazgatás számára is megfelelő eszköz egy versenyképes digitális egységes... more
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      Cloud ComputingeGovernment
Partnership working is becoming an increasingly common methodology in the public sector for addressing complex social issues such as poverty, economic development and crime. Information systems have a vital role to play in enabling such... more
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      Information SystemsAction ResearchEconomic DevelopmentPublic sector
Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems (DRE) are some of the most popular forms of electronic voting and yet they are riddled with problems. Current voting systems are poorly designed and migration to newer software can be costly.... more
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    • eGovernment
情報化の進展と(地域)社会の関わりを考えるとき、また情報社会研究や地域情報化研究、電子行政の研究にとって、オープンデータ関連の動向はどのように位置づけることができるか。 「オープンデータ」「オープンガバメント」は2009年以降に輸入された概念であり、政策や市民の活動も米国等の動向に追随することも少なくない。そのため「日本は遅れている」「日本にはまだ根付いていない」「一過性である」「一過性のブームで終わらせてはいけない(三木2014)」などと評価されることがある。... more
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      GenealogyOpen DataOpen GovernmenteGovernment
It has been widely acknowledged recently that the research field of eParticipation suffers from lack of comprehensive theoretical contributions, insufficient depth, and inconsistency in definitions of central concepts. Due to the... more
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      InformaticsSocial ScienceseGovernmentLibrary and Information Studies
"""For a successful e­government implementation, having a well­organized e­government model is a must for any country. It cannot be a model, which can be copied straight from a different country. It should significantly impact all... more
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    • eGovernment
The government of Tanzania has been embracing information systems specifically websites to enlarge access to government services, lower administrative costs, and to increase public participation in decision making. As a result, almost... more
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    • eGovernment
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      Public AdministrationDigital MediaSocial MediaTwitter
Irish e-Government has long endured a myriad of issues associated with traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, hampering their ability for fiscal accountability, to control budgets and adhere to compliance... more
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      Cloud ComputingeGovernmentCloud Computing and Erp
Fire is among major threats to the world's forests, leading to tremendous biodiversity losses. Forest fire in India has greatly increased in the last few decades; the state of Arunachal Pradesh, a recognized Himalayan biodiversity... more
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      EcologyBiodiversityeGovernmentGIS, WebGIS and Remote Sensing
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaPolitical Participation
El trabajo presenta la arquitectura jurídica que da sustento a la implementación del sistema de gestión documental electrónica – GDE en Argentina: el derecho de fondo sumado al derecho administrativo electrónico que está naciendo.... more
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      Public AdministrationPKI (Cryptography)ArgentinaE-Government
There is scarcely any aspect of government activity that does not involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The EU has supported the building of digital infrastructures and the sharing of best practices on... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawPublic Budgeting and Finance
Citizen confidence in government and technology is imperative to the wide-spread adoption of e-government. This study analyzes the impact of trust and risk perceptions on one's willingness to use e-government services. We propose a model... more
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      Information SystemsAdoptionRiskeGovernment
Abstract - While digital platforms deliver a growing number of public services, their inner features and functioning are still unclear. Building on two case studies in which ICT-enabled judicial procedures led to enduring and undetected... more
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      CourtsJudicial ReformeGovernmentEJustice
The American baseball play Yogi Berra once observed that "The future ain't what it used to be". Berra's colourful expression states a fundamental truth: the future as we perceive it today is, more often than not, not how it was perceived... more
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      GovernanceDigital BusinesseGovernment
Este artigo discorrerá sobre o Plano Nacional de Desmaterialização de Processos -Administração Sem Papel, ora em delineamento pelo Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão. O artigo descreve o contexto e o conceito de... more
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      eGovernmenteGovernment, IT
This article provides an overview of current international e-Government practices and the role of the national identity management infrastructure program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in supporting e-Government development. It... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
El trabajo tiene como finalidad identificar las herramientas con las que cuentan las administraciones gubernamentales de América Latina en materia de gobierno electrónico, a través del relevamiento de variables que dan cuenta de los... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementEgovernment And Welfare PoliciesOpen Source and Free Software Studies
In this paper, we present the project denominated Efficient and Transparent Municipalities -MuNet, developed by the Organization of American States -OAS, with the sponsorship of the Canadian for International Development Agency -CIDA. The... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealtheGovernment
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureCultural Policy
—This paper describes an overview about the devolopment of Open Data and the realtionship with Open Government through the review and analysis of both concepts; starting from the contextualization of Open Data and Open Government, to the... more
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      EcuadorOpen InnovationOpen DataeGovernment
Blockchain is heralded as being ''the next big thing'' that promises to radically transform society and the economy in near-future applications. While scholarly literature on blockchain has largely focused on bitcoin and cryptofinance, in... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementGovernmentManagement of Innovation
This theoretical research paper makes use of past research on the topic of e-governance in an attempt to investigate the critical components of an e-governance system. This research began in an effort to add to the current model of... more
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      eGovernmenteGovernanceICT4D, eGovernement, Socio-Technical Systems
Objective: To review the literature on the current state of blockchain. Method: A review of academic papers obtained from academic databases, a white paper, a federal report, a memorandum opinion and information from industry sources were... more
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The area of electronic government (eGovernment) has received increased prominence and attention over the last few years. In spite of the current developments, many avenues in the area of eGovernment remain unexplored. One such area is the... more
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      Information TechnologyAssessmenteGovernmentLibrary and Information Studies
O presente artigo buscou fazer uma avaliação dos sítios dos Tribunais de Justiça brasileiros utilizando como base os critérios dispostos tanto na cartilha de usabilidade para portais e sítios do Governo Federal quanto na métrica LEFIS/... more
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      Qualitative methodologyeGovernmentWeb Site Evaluation
During a crisis, authorities need to effectively disseminate information. We address the problem of deciding how crisis-related information should be published on Facebook to reach as many people as possible. We examine three recent... more
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      Crisis communication and managementCrisis CommunicationSocial MediaDisaster Management
2 För en beskrivning av utvecklingen av elektronisk förvaltning i ett internationellt perspektiv och en diskussion kring begreppet e-government, se exempelvis David Brown, Electronic government and public administration, International... more
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      eGovernmentSocial Welfare
According to IDC , 70% of chief information officers in 2016 will consider cloud-based delivery the preferred choice when implementing new services. Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud computing to gain speed, scale, and economic... more
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      Technological InnovationeGovernmentCyber Security
This article provides an overview of eGovernment and its role in revolutionising existing governmental systems. It argues that in order for eGovernment initiatives to truly succeed, we need to develop public trust and confidence to... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyeGovernmentIdentity management
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      PrivacyBiometricsDigital IdentityeGovernment
A mögöttünk lévő mintegy negyed évszázadban a közigazgatással foglalkozó szakemberek, kutatók jelentős részére valamilyen mértékben hatással volt az a jelenség, amelyet sokféleképpen, de talán leggyakrabban eKormányzatnak nevezünk. Vitán... more
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      IT laweGovernmenteGovernanceKözigazgatás
في هذه السلسلة من المقالات، سنحاول تحليل وشرح كيف يمكن للتدبير بالمشاريع وفق المعايير الدولية المعروفة عالمياً أن يساعد الإدارة العمومية خاصة، والدولة بصفة عامة، على تحسين عملية التواصل الترابي، وإنعاش التواصل بين الدولة والمواطنين.
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      Social ScienceseGovernmentDemocratic TransitionsPrintemps arabe
Geographical basic data are localised information about, among other things, cadasters, buildings, road systems, watercourses and lakes. Th ese so-called map data are generally of a high quality in Denmark, but they could be utilised even... more
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      Information ManagementeGovernmentSpatial Information
Developments in the world of information technology have brought security needs, ethical and social responsibilities, risks and inconveniences. The dramatic increase and spread of smartphone usage, especially in line with advances in... more
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      eGovernmentCyber Security
The benefits of sharing of geospatial data are well grounded in theory and practice. However, the mechanism to share geospatial data is still not in place in most of the countries like Pakistan. In Pakistan, immense geospatial data is... more
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      MetadataPakistaneGovernmentGeospatial Data Management
Governments and businesses alike are coming to understand that national and global economies should us the Internet as a medium for innovation and economic growth. A critical component that has been left to service providers to establish... more
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      EcommerceEBusinessDigital IdentityeGovernment
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      Public AdministrationInnovation statisticsInformation Communication TechnologyeGovernment
Entra hoje em vigor o novo Código de Procedimento Administrativo (CPA). Surgem novas regras de funcionamento da “máquina” do Estado e articula-se uma outra forma de relacionamento entre os cidadãos e a Administração Pública (AP).... more
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      GovernanceeGovernmentArchives and Records ManagmentAdministração Pública
Esta obra es una celebración necesaria e ineludible, al cumplirse diez años desde la incorporación de Chile a la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (Open Government Partnership, OGP por su sigla en inglés), en septiembre de 2011 , que... more
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      Public AdministrationAccountabilityChileOpen Data
This work aims to examine, -with statistics and information- the versatility and overall need of management and businesses through eGovernment.... more
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En los últimos años hemos visto la expansión de políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos en diversos gobiernos de la región, bajo la corriente de Gobierno Abierto. Gobiernos de todo el mundo han elevado sus niveles de transparencia, en... more
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      Information TechnologyPublic AdministrationTechnologyPublic Management