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Cineaste, Volume XLII, Issue 3 (2017), 38-42.
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      French CinemaCinemaFrench banlieuesWomen's cinema
This is a textbook written for the general education course of the same title, but it is also a new film history book including a few often-neglected threads: first, women directors of different periods and nations are included; second,... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm HistoryCinemaDocumentary Film
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      Gender StudiesSpanish CinemaFeminismWomen's cinema
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      American CinemaAmerican independent cinemaWomen's cinemaFilm Festivals
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      Crime fictionDocumentary FilmWomen's cinemaAnglophone Studies
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      French CinemaWomen's cinema
This is Chapter 7 of Lingzheng Wang ed. Chinese Women's Cinema: Transnational Contexts, published by Columbia University Press in 2012. This chapter focuses on four female directors of China's "Fifth Generation": Peng Xiaolian, Li... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryLiterature and cinemaCinematic Space
In this photo-essay, I examined briefly how new film trends arose in rapid socio-political upheavals - Korean New Wave of the late 1980's and early 1990's with 1987 nationwide democratization movement and women's films of the late 2010's... more
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      Film HistoryEast Asian CinemaKorean filmKorean cinema
Livro sobre a história do cinema mundial sob perspectiva inédita, que é a feminina. Através dos 22 capítulos, a obra contempla o cinema dos primórdios aos dias atuais. "A abrangência do recorte do livro é ousada, ao agrupar... more
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      CinemaWorld CinemasWoman StudiesFeminismo
Livro com 22 capítulos sobre a história do cinema mundial na inédita perspectiva feminina. A obra contempla o cinema dos primórdios aos dias atuais. "A abrangência do recorte do livro é ousada, ao agrupar nacionalidades emblemáticas e... more
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      Women's cinemaWorld CinemaHistória das MulheresNew Cinema History
Il saggio si propone di analizzare il ruolo delle donne all'interno della filiera cinematografica ed il modo in cui si relazionano alla tecnologia e vengono in questo modo raccontate dalla stessa. Nella prima parte si analizzerà il ruolo... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesFeminist TheoryDigital Cinema
1990'ların yeni dünya düzeninin gündemindeki kavram küreselleşme ve yerel ölçekte güdülen neoliberal ekonomik politikalar uyarınca, 1990'ların Türkiye sineması, Amerikan Majörleri ve ithal filmler tarafından kuşatılır. Aynı dönem, Kültür... more
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      Turkish CinemaFeminist Film StudiesFeminist film theoryNew Turkish cinema
Feminist Media Histories  (Summer 2018)

Winner of the  Women’s Caucus of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Graduate Student Essay Prize
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Feminist film theoryWomen's cinemaCultural and Political Activism of the 1960s and 1970s
This book draws on feminist philosophers Simone de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray, Christine Battersby, Sonia Kruks, Iris Young and others to offer readings of some of the most important and memorable films directed by women in the 1990s and... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyWomen's cinema
There have been a number of Latin American feature films that have travelled through the transnational circuits of film exhibition and distribution with the relationship between mistresses, masters and servants at their centre. This focus... more
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      Latin American CinemaWomen's cinemaLucrecia Martel
"The work of the Women and the Silent Screen Conferences [...] is to collectively create a new realm of cinema history, neither 'the' history, nor 'a' history, but a strange double world." These words are from Jane Gaines in her keynote... more
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      Gender HistorySilent FilmEarly CinemaFilm History
En la revisión general del cine producido en América Latina, podemos encontrar ausencias, pero hay una que habría que esforzarse en corregir, pues el cine producido por mujeres y desde el feminismo, no suele mencionarse o analizarse a... more
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      Latin American StudiesCinema StudiesWomen's cinemaHistory of Cinema
Le désir et la sexualité ont trouvé des représentations poétiques dans l’œuvre de certaines femmes, notamment à travers la danse pour Maya Deren, « mère » de l’avant-garde américaine, ou par l’intermédiaire de voix féminines et... more
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      French CinemaGender and SexualitySexuality and CinemaWomen's cinema
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminismWomen and Culture
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      Queer TheorySpanish CinemaWomenFeminism
The essay analyzes the film "Un'ora sola ti vorrei" directed by Alina Marazzi (2002), placing it in the scenario of the gaze's cinema, and inserting it the international context of women's film and found footage's practices.
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      Women's StudiesItalian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian Cinema
Resumen Este artículo presenta algunos de los asuntos teóricos más importantes concernientes a la crítica de cine feminista y a los conceptos cine de mujeres y filmes de mujeres, desarrollados por las teóricas Laura Mulvey, Teresa de... more
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      Women and Gender StudiesWomen's cinema
Bu çalışmada sinemada mekânsal ilişkilerin dayalı kısıtlayıcı ve özgürleştirici potansiyellerinin nasıl ifade edildiği araştırılacaktır. Pierre Nora'nın hafıza ve mekânlar arasındaki ilişkiye dair vurgusu göstergeleri olarak... more
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      Women's cinemaSpatial RelationsSpace and CinemaCinema in Turkey
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm Studies
This chapter highlights the gendered tenor that framed the actual process of editing as the work of a collective female apparatus endowed with invaluable dexterity but lacking its own creative intentionality. By examining the work of... more
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      Early CinemaDocumentary FilmWomen's cinemaFilm Editing
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      Chinese StudiesMainland Chinese FilmFeminist Film StudiesFeminist film theory
Shelley Cobb explores film adaptations directed by women (often working with women screenwriters, producers, and sometimes editors) that foreground the figure of the female author. Through analysis of the films themselves, and their... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationPostfeminismWomen's cinema
La défaite des armées égyptiennes, syriennes et jordaniennes face à Israël en juin 1967, ainsi que les lourdes pertes territoriales auxquelles cette guerre a conduit, bouleverse la construction identitaire des peuples arabes. Les peuples... more
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      Women's StudiesCinemaWomen's cinemaArab Cinema
The aim of this introduction is to provide a context for the articles that follow in this cluster on Women’s Lives on Screen. Starting with some reflections on how biopics can matter to audiences, I propose the use of ‘mattering’ as a... more
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      Gender in FilmWomen & FilmBiopicFeminist Film Studies
Commissioned programme essay for cineclub The Machine that Kills Bad People screening of WANDA at the Institute for Contemporary Art, London, May 2, 2018.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm HistoryArt and Independent Cinema
Há evidências de que tanto para a filosofia da narração, dentro do campo da teoria literária, quanto para os estudos de cinema, em especial para a vertente do cinema documentário, a encenação de si, fomentada pelo relato de si... more
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      TestimonyTrauma StudiesBrazilian CinemaCinema Studies
Gender studies and post-constructivist feminist theory are left with a gap in the literature when it comes to motherhood and childlessness. Where liberal feminism has increased the focus on women’s autonomy and individuality in society,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm Studies
Naomi Kawase's work has often been said to be sensitive and physical. In this presentation I argued that this aesthetics of the delicate which identifies the style of the Japanese filmmaker hinges on a certain poetics of motherhood which... more
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      Film StudiesJapanese CinemaWomen & FilmGender and Cinema
Many scholars of film studies have questioned the masculine notion of Euro-American auteurism for excluding women's film practice. This article shows how Ann Hui, a female director from Hong Kong, explores the female subjectivity of Xiao... more
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      Feminist Film StudiesVisual NarratologyAuthorshipAsian Cinema
Resumen En las últimas décadas el cine LGTBI+ español ha evolucionado hacia una representación más numerosa y variada de la diferencia genérico-sexual, sin embargo, la representación de las mujeres lesbianas continúa siendo, aun hoy, muy... more
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      Women's cinemaIdentidad lésbicaCine De MujeresSorority
In Revisiting Women’s Cinema, Lingzhen Wang ponders the roots of contemporary feminist stagnation and the limits of both commercial mainstream and elite minor cultures by turning to socialist women filmmakers in modern China. She... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm Studies
This study discusses the current Turkish women’s cinema through the films, Mavi Dalga (2013, Blue Wave) and İşe Yarar Bir Şey (2017, Something Useful) by exploring the definitions of women’s cinema. This article aims to examine the point... more
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      Women's cinemaCinema Studies, Gender Studies, Feminist Cultural Studies
There is a trend in female film production in the 21 st century in the context of Spain towards a type of cinema that we could classify as haptic. It is a mode of representation concerned with multisensory expression in film images. In... more
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      Women's StudiesSpanish CinemaFeminismHaptics
In Polish feature films about the Warsaw Uprising there are no women. They of course appear as nurses, civilians or message runners. But they are always part of the background, seen, but not looking, symbolic in their presence, and never... more
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      Warsaw UprisingWomen's cinemaWomen in CinemaPolish Cinema
The essay [in Italian] examines the evolution of the representation of women in the history of Chinese cinema from the Republican to post-socialist era. The aim is to analyze the different perspectives occurred throughout political,... more
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      Women's StudiesEast Asian CinemaChinese CinemaWomen and Gender Studies
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      GlobalizationFilm StudiesMoroccan StudiesFeminist Film Studies
This piece reflects on the process of researching and producing S. Louisa Wei's documentary Golden Gate Girls (2014) and the significance of Esther Eng in contemporary feminist conceptualizations of women's filmmaking in the 1930s and... more
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      Women's HistoryGay And Lesbian StudiesFilm HistoryFeminist history
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm StudiesChinese Studies
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      Women's StudiesFeminismItalian CinemaWomen's cinema
The representation of female friendship in films by women, even more than for films directed by men, is a topic that was rarely discussed in film criticism and theory. Women's friendship has not received adequate consideration in other... more
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      Cultural StudiesFeminist SociologyGender StudiesEthics
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      Transnational FeminismWomen's cinema
Peng Xiaolian is a rare and prolific Chinese author who writes both fiction and non‐fiction works and directs both dramatic and documentary films. Peng has not only written, cowritten, or rewritten all the screenplays of her eight... more
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      Women's HistoryWomen's writingWomen's LiteratureWomen and Culture
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      European StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm StudiesTransnationalism
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      German CinemaCinema StudiesWomen's cinemaNazi Propaganda