Teacher Evaluation and Supervision
Recent papers in Teacher Evaluation and Supervision
Using survey data collected from 2,273 teachers in Texas, this study explores differences in school organization that contribute to the experiences (e.g., working conditions, instruction and student engagement in learning, self-efficacy... more
This study determined the factors that influence the application of social media to teaching-learning process; investigated applicable choice of social media relevant in the teaching-learning process and; determined the impact of social... more
In recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have placed increasing emphasis on multicultural education and issues of race, gender, class, language, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, various types of supervision... more
Cet article présente un aperçu du contexte québécois au regard de l'évaluation des enseignants et propose des pistes de futures recherches. Bien qu'elle soit largement discutée dans les médias écrits de la province, la question de... more
This book provides teachers and appraisers with a close look at each dimension of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System.
In recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have placed increasing emphasis on multicultural education and issues of race, gender, class, language, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, various types of supervision... more
Curso dictado entre 2013 y 2017. Un proceso de monitoreo y evaluación, no solo permite medir los avances y logros alcanzados de un proyecto, sino también advertir acerca de las dificultades y limitaciones que pueden aparecer dentro del... more
The authors examine one school that has implemented effective and replicable teacher retention policies and practices, and spotlight the meaningful outcomes that ensued when teachers were supported and empowered.
SALATIGA 2015 BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. LATAR BELAKANG MASALAH Guru sebagai ujung tombak di front terdepan dalam melaksanakan kebijakan pembangunan pendidikan nasional dalam mengartikan, mengejawantahkan strategi, demi tercapainya tujuan... more
Resumen Tradicionalmente se consideró necesaria la supervisión del trabajo que realizan los docentes en sus aulas de clase como un mecanismo que permitía el perfeccionamiento de su actuación profesional, sin embargo, con el paso del... more
The author discusses the need for counselor educators and supervisors to promote the intersectional nature of identities in counselor trainees and supervisees, especially as supervision serves as the vanguard for professional development... more
This article documents two professors' inquiry into a lesson on supervising for equity in a supervisor preparation course. Through an iterative process of lesson design, lesson implementation, analysis of student work, and pedagogical... more
Though not a novel topic, supervision and its contribution to teachers" professional development has been given renewed attention in recent years. The constructive/destructive role supervision might play in teachers" instructional path... more
Institutions of higher learning such as universities have been positively influenced by the internet which has facilitated learning and teaching. Likewise, this same internet can also support student lecturer appointments, but currently... more
The study examined Principals Supervisory practices and the extent to which these could enhance teachers’ job performance. Three hundred and Seventy teachers including the principals drawn from twenty secondary schools in sixteen Local... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı; 14 Eylül 2011 tarihinde 652 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ile değişimi başlatılan ve sonrasında 6528 sayılı kanun, çeşitli yönetmelikler ve son olarak 6764 sayılı kanun ile değişimi sürdürülen Türkiye'nin çağcıl... more
Chaper 20 from APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology: Vol. 3. Testing and Assessment in School Psychology and Education,
K. F. Geisinger (Editor)
K. F. Geisinger (Editor)
Teachers contribute to student achievement. As a practice, teacher evaluation has developed over time. Today, the focus of teacher evaluation is to determine the impact of teaching on student outcomes and for use as professional... more
The aim of this paper is to observe a third grade classroom setting. A third grade teacher and her class were observed for about forty minutes. We chose third grade because third grade in one of the grades that we both are interested to... more
Supervisi Pendidikan merupakan suatu upaya yang bisa dilakukan oleh supervisor untuk memperbaiki pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Ada beberapa jenis Supervisi Pendidikan diantaranya Supervisi... more
Isra Mi'raj adalah dua bagian dari perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. dalam waktu malam saja. Peristiwa ini merupakan salah satu peristiwa penting bagi umat Islam, karena pada persitiwa ini Nabi Muhammad SAW. mendapat... more
This essential text explores the latest practice, thinking and research in lesson observation, putting teacher learning at its heart. Illustrated throughout with practical examples from a range of education settings, each chapter contains... more
This is a copy of the opening keynote speech at the national conference, 'Lesson observation: new approaches, new possibilities' given by Dr Matt O'Leary at the University of Wolverhampton on 17th June 2015
Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan on the job learning (OJL) diklat calon kepala sekolah Kota Bogor yang dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Situgede 4 dan SD Negeri Situgede 3 Kecamatan Bogor Barat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Pelaksanaan OJL memberikan... more
An employees' job performance is perceived to be attributed by various factors including job satisfaction. This study was conducted to determine if the teaching performance of the college faculty is predicted by the level of job... more
Analisis jurnal, buku, dan beberapa teori supervisi disertai beberapa kasus supervisi pendidikan
From the perspective of a long-standing, comprehensive teacher professional development program focused on apprenticing teacher in developing expertise over time, we critique existing teacher evaluation systems in terms of both content... more
Resumen La supervisión escolar es parte fundamental dentro de la gestión educativa al servir como motor de transformación gracias a su potencial para la reflexión de la realidad indagada, la interacción con los agentes involucrados y el... more
This study examines one part of a validity argument for portfolio assessments of teaching practice used as an indicator of teaching quality to inform a licensure decision. We investigate the relationship among portfolio assessment... more
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
This study investigates Moroccan secondary school EFL learners’ receptive vocabulary size. It also examines how these learners’ receptive vocabulary knowledge develops after one year of instruction. The study used Meara’s (2010) edition... more
Η εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση είναι ένα επιστημονικό πεδίο που εξελίσσεται συνεχώς με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς, οπότε η διερεύνηση της λειτουργίας των υπαρχουσών δομών και των δυνατοτήτων εξέλιξής τους είναι αναγκαία, αφού τα δεδομένα... more